Stiff fight in between BRS and Congress:


BJP moving with slow pace

· Can Car josh bring votes?

· Is people gives support to Congress?

· Are ‘flower’ blooms or crushed?

· Contest confined in between two parties

· In some places triangle contest

· Revanth Reddy indulged in immense campaign

· KCR meetings receiving good response

· The entry of KCR raised the heat

· Masses in large number attending KCR road shows

· Revanth Reddy also attracting large folk of masses

· Can Reventh gain upper hand against KCR?

· Can KCR protect his existence by defeating Revanth?

· What the people are saying?

· What is the response of people against parties?

· What is the opinion of voter?


Now there is only seven days left for poling in Telangana. Congress, BRS and BJP leaders are in full busy with their campaign in the state. BRS boss KCR, party working committee president KTR and Harish Rao making extensive campaign in the state. Especially after five months of Assembly Elections held again polling means it has become very difficult to assess the pulse of voter. Every party has its own assessment but nobody is in a position to assess the pulse of the voters. Congress alleged that KCR family during its ten years tenure plundered the state. While BRS is saying that people deceived by Congress party. In previous elections Congress has put its six guarantees in front of people and assured them about successful implementation of them. Unfortunately till now five months after coming into power Congress unable to fulfil its promises. This became negative for it. Not only that in previous Assembly elections Congress extensively campaigned and made corruption allegations on Kaleswaram Project. Its six assurances and allegations made on Kaleswaram created a remarkable impact on people that caused them to vote in favour of it. Especially the videos repeatedly exhibited on Kaleswaram created negative opinion among people on BRS. At the same time the silence of BRS also turned advantage for Congress. But in these elections Congress is not in a position to make serious allegations on Kaleswaram. The reason is, crops faced severe water problem and turned into dry that caused farmers left in miserable conditions. There is no answer from Congress for this plight of farmers. In these circumstances Congress unable to make again allegations on Kaleswaram. Dried crops, lack of water and power cuts pushing the Congress in self defence. This turned into advantage for BRS and it started attacks on Congress. Congress now repeatedly telling, the prevailing draught condition in the state is due to climate change but not for the cause of its failure. If people again believe what Congress is saying, then votes will come in favour of it otherwise people will give their votes to BRS. Then what happens? If BRS win more seats, then party leadership won’t sit in ideal. They will try to constantly remain with the people in the form of agitations against the government. KCR knows well how to keep the movement alive. Whatever party gain the power. It must be very careful about water, power which is most essential for farming. On these two issues Telangana sustenance is depended. If the government failed in providing these two, then its existence will fell in troubles. One should remember that Telangana formed only depending on these two issues.

Six months before of Assembly elections BJP lost its grip

Once BJP that remain in second position in the state leaving behind Congress, left to third position after facing defeat in Karnataka. After present elections it reaches to which position is not known to anybody. If there prevail any negativity on Congress five months after coming to the power is also can’t say at this situation. Every party has its own assessment but people will have their own opinion. If Congress party gain more number of seats, than we can say that there is no negativity against the party among the people. Two months back those who felt that BRS lost its total grip, now remain in their astonishment after looking at the large folk of masses attending KCR road shows and meetings. If they vote in favour of BRS or not the question, but the people attending in large number for KCR meetings shows that they have not lost their confidence on BRS boss is the notable point. Even if the party cadre tries to bring the people, this much of numbers is not at all possible. Even in night time also people are waiting for KCR arrival to their region. Especially KCR road shows success in Khamman district is the indication for major political change in the state. In previous elections people moved in favour of Congress. The rural folk totally turned towards the grand old party. But five months after Congress came to power, scene totally reversed and the down trodden sections those supported Congress now it seems gradually moving towards BRS. Within five months of period what it has done is the main question arising. For some reasons there appears no mistakes of Congress, in this present situation party is subjected to bear this consequence. Parliament elections within four months of period turned great disadvantage for Congress. At the same time three months after it coming to power, election code came into force. This also turned into a misfortune for Congress. Congress is saying that because of Kaleswaram we are unable give water. Then without Kaleswaram why Congress did not give water to farmers is the question raised by BRS. Like this ball of ‘Kaleswaram’ has been swinging in between the courts of these two parties.

Farmers showing their fingers against Congress

Now farmers wanting KCR back to power. In reality before the construction of Kaleswaram, KCR had taken up the works of revamp the tanks in the state. After completing these works he filled them with water. The water available in the Devadula project facilitated him to fill the entire tanks with water. Actually the Devadula Project had been taken up by Congress. If Revanth Reddy successfully utilised the Devadula water then it might have fetched to him. Unfortunately he failed in this aspect that made the farmers who are facing water problem learnt the importance of KCR, which causing to turn them in favour of KCR. Revanth Reddy also able to attract the people but when compare to previous Assembly elections, their number is less! At the same time in those days, people attended the Revanth Reddy meetings in voluntary manner, but now congress leaders and cadre moving them to participate in his road shows. We can see the scene in reverse in the case of KCR. In previous elections people were made to move by the cadre for KCR shows but now they have been attending voluntarily. Really speaking within four months of period the situation of these both parties turned into topsy-turvy manner.

Prime Minister Modi also concentrated on Telangana

It is said that Prime Minister Modi is also planning his road shows in the state. Unfortunately there is no considerable response for these road shows. Now people are more attractive towards KCR road shows. Now the road shows trend of KCR totally drove the Modi road shows into back bench. There is tough contest between BRS and Congress is clearly visible in Telangana. Between these two parties, BJP faded away in campaign. If Congress fails to win considerable seats, then it can be treated as it lost confidence among people within five months of period. KCR value raises and ‘Car’ will regain its strength. It may cause for rising of differences among the leaders of Congress. So it is life or death question for Revanth Reddy. He has to win majority seats. Even BJP wines majority seats, it will become problem for Congress and BRS existence will fell in danger. That is why when comparing to BJP, both BRS and Congress are continuing their rigorous campaign. Instead BJP moving its steps in planned manner. Let us see what will happen in these elections.

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