Is it possible fine rice cultivation in Telangana?


·Fine rice distribution to the poor is a good thought

·Are Telangana lands suitable?

·Fine rice cropping period is long

·Is there sufficient water facility?

·Can a farmer sustain with two crops in the place of three crops?

·Pest control becomes costly

·At harvesting time sap-sucking insects attacks will be more

·This experiment failed during BRS government

·Can farmers come forward to cultivate this crop?

·Well known to farmers which crops to grow

·Forceful cultivation reverse the results

· The government needed to review its thinking

·It shall also need to take the welfare of farmers

·Quality seeds must be supplied to farmers

·Is the seed required for Telangana available?

·Government assistance is needed for fine rice cultivation

·Procurement price must be fixed at a high

·Additional bonus must be paid to farmers

·It requires a particular time to purchase fine rice


The indication given by Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy about distributing fine rice to poor people is welcoming one. He also said about the bonus only be given for fine rice crops is causing flutter among farmers. When previous BRS government under the rule of KCR decided to make the farmers to cultivate fine rice crop, the same Revanth Reddy opposed that idea. Who gave him this same advice that he opposed once is the question rising by the people with curiosity. Then he argued that KCR took this decision to spoil the lives of the farmers. That same Revanth Reddy now brought this idea into fore front now became a hot topic. Actually all the lands in Telangana are suitable for growing this fine rice crop. Kodada region that lies nearer to Vijayawada has suitable climate to cultivate this crop. This fine rice crop requires sufficient humidity in the weather which is not present in Telangana climate. So the dry climatic conditions in Telangana are not suitable for growing fine rice crop. Then government suggested the farmers to grow this crop when plenty of water is available but later it withdraw its suggestion probably after having an understanding on the prevailing weather conditions in the state. Later KCR supported to grow ‘doddu’ rice crops and faced severe criticism. Now Revanth Reddy has an intention to distributed fine rice to poor but Telangana farmers habituated to cultivate ‘doddu’ rice varieties. At the same time these varieties give much high production when compare to fine rice. That means per one acre a farmer can produce 30 to 35 quintals of ‘doddu’ rice giving Rs.60000 income. Even if fifty percent gone for investment the net profit remains at Rs.30000. When we come to fine rice it would not give more than 20 or 22 quintals. More than that it is highly impossible get more production. Whereas a farmer can produce even up to 40quintals of ‘doddu’ rice which more profitable for him.
The ‘Doddu’ variety rice cultivation also cost affected because there is no requirement of using more pesticides. Especially an average Telangana farmer has thorough idea on which crops to be grown. They have more knowledge on this when compare to agricultural scientists. Traditionally since generations together which crops are growing is well known to them. Cultivation of wheat is highly impossible in Telangana because of non suitable climate. In the state every region climate is suitable for some varieties of crops. For example North Telangana rice, maize and cotton crops are being cultivated. In united Warangal district rice, mirch and cotton crops are grown. The lands in Rangareddy are suitable to grow red gram and maize. Tandur ‘toor dal’ is famous throughout India. In neighbouring Karnataka red colour toor dall is being grown which is not cultivated in Telangana. In Nizamabad region red jowar and sugarcane crops are being cultivated. That means depending on soil suitable crops are grown. Now in this modern period with scientific approach crops are being cultivated with high yield varieties. In these circumstances no farmer comes forward to grow low yield varieties which are financially not profitable. In our country farming became like gambling. Hide and seek monsoons decides the fate of the farmers. When water facility was not available gingerly crop was grown in Telangana. Now due to plenty of water available, this gingerly crop disappeared. Once horse gram and jawar crops grown in Telangana in extensive manner but now we can’t find the areas grown these crops. In the areas those lies nearer to cities now flowers and vegetables are being cultivated.
Before elections Revanth Reddy gave assurance to give bonus for all types of crops but now he confining it to fine rice is good thing. The cultivation of fine rice is only possible in Kharif season in the state. Really speaking fine rice gives profit because of selling cost is high. In the state plenty of water available only in Kharif season. Seed can be formed much strong due to availability of water. At the same time humid climate also favour for this crop. Where as in Rabbi season water is not available, climate also turn in to dry. These two factors turn negative for the cultivation of fine rice crops. At the same time the supporting price announced by the government is same for ‘doddu’ and ‘fine’ rice. At the same time there is no suitable market for fine rice. Millers purchase paddy from farmers for lower prices and sell them three times more cost and getting immense profits. Cost of production, long period for cultivation and lack of market facilities are making the farmers reluctant towards cultivating fine rice. KCR once tried to make the farmers to cultivate this rice and failed. So farmers again have been requesting Revanth Reddy not to do experiments on them. ‘Doddu’ variety crop will come to harvest within four months where as for fine rice it will take six months period. A farmer can cultivate three crops of ‘doddu’ rice per year but he can’t cultivate fine rice more than two crops. At the same time at the time of harvesting fine rice crop vulnerable for pests attacks. Those varieties available can’t sustain these attacks. Whereas, ‘doddu’ rice varieties can be able to sustain the pests attack. When we look into another angle, even if fine rice is cultivated in one crore acres, making available such huge quantity of seeds will become highly impossible. At the same time very year at the time of Kharif season farmers are being deceived with fake seeds. This problem is still being persisted. Every government gives assurances to take stern action on such fraudulent seed companies. Till now how many such companies get punished? In this back ground without giving any encouragements, it is better for government not involve in farmers activities. So it is better to give bonus to all crops as announced during elections campaign.

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