The purport behind gold business


· Is prize fall lead to increase the sales?

· Is true that gold rate fell

· Tax reduction lead to how much cost reduction?

· During past ten years how much prize increased?

· When compare with difference how much got ease to customers?

· Before NDA came to power Gold cost Rs.20000

· Now there is fourfold increase in the prise

· Tax reduction caused only benefit for Rs.3000

· Who get benefit? Who get loss?

· What the trading sections are saying?

· How is the actual situation?

· Without profit are gold sales possible?

For ordinary people now gold become a metal impossible to purchase. Today common man earnings are inadequate enough to eke out his life. In these prevailing circumstances saying about reducing the taxes is nothing but to support the increase of gold sales. Looking at the tax reduction general expectation is that all the people rush to the market to purchase gold. Businessmen every time try to raise their income by just showing the international market fluctuations and never incline to reduce the price. Common man is struggling a lot with raising prices of daily essentials to lead life without any possibility of rising in his income, can’t think about the purchase of gold. Really speaking this is the situation where gold is playing with the lives of the common people. If question rises on the attitude of the rulers, the answer is always be with rich business persons and only they appears to be in favour of common people with their outwards sayings because of requirement of votes. They always says to turn the lives of the poor into ‘gold’ like which is the trend became a tradition for political parties since the independence. Fortune never nocks the door of poor who remain in same condition without any change in their daily life.

When compare to the state of the country decade back, now we can see lot of difference in the field of development. Rulers use to say that our economy reached to trillion dollars stage and country has grown from developing stage to developed status with equivalent to other developed nations, then why poverty still prevailing in the country? Why unemployment problem still continuing? Why the living standards of the people are depleting? We will not get proper answer from any politician for these questions. Every party leader used to say one thing before elections and talk in different manner after coming into power. Now when we come to the cost of gold, what is the reason behind the government intention in reducing the tax on this precious metal? Poor man is never able to purchase it? Middle class people who create a big market for gold purchase now are not showing any interest towards to by looking at its exorbitant rates. In this back ground lot of gold left in the market, with the reluctance of customers to look at into it. So, now government involvement required to increase the sales of gold for the benefit of the jewellery market. This is the real reason behind reducing the tax on gold but not love and affection on common citizen. To prove it let us examine how the change in the prise of gold took place since ten years.

In 2014 gold prise was Rs.20000. During this ten years period this prise raised in four fold manner. When we go back to 2000 gold rate was only Rs.4000. In those period gold rate used to rise occasionally without showing any extraordinary raise. Now this situation totally changed the raise in abnormality became common and meagre reduction taking place in occasional. When reduction in gold prise spread in the masses, then ‘not stock’ is the reply we get from the businessmen. Such reduced prise will remains for one day and on the next day the rates becomes normal. Immediately gold will be available in plenty in the market! This is nothing but market trick to deceive the people. A common man is at present not able to observe these trends because he can’t think about gold now. At the same time if one possess old gold ornaments it remains a big problem for him to exchange them with new ornaments because of the prevailing stern acts those prevents such activities. Then a question arises in our mind that who is purchasing the gold? Those rich people who have no belief on banks only resort to purchase gold in order to save their wealth. Now real estate sector has facing down ward trend and small businesses came to disappear and nobody is willing to purchase gold. In these circumstances government has taken the decision to reduce to gold price in order to attract common people towards gold market. Really speaking the government totally turned from its previous attitude. How this happened let us observe. At first government kept intelligence on gold market with an intention to find out those people who are involving tax evasion while purchasing the gold. Finally it came to one conclusion that it had committed mistake by doing so, introduced gold bond scheme which also not given fruitful results. Now the bullion market turns into topsy-turvy after introducing the budget. The budget has its negative impact on gold market and also causing for the fall of stock market. Here lies on intricacy on two issues. One is common man never bother about the stock market. Second one is government is saying that single tax system is being implemented in entire country, then why there prevails variation in prices of gold and silver in different states? We won’t get proper answer from any responsible leader from the government. They use to reluctant to give answer for this question which is like paradox for them. Now one important change in income tax paying exposed. In previous levy of tax was heavy on business persons and less income tax was levied on individual tax payer. Now this trend has been changed and tax paid by individual tax payer became higher when compare to business people. Now tax on business people reduced by the government. This is nothing but to fell the individuals in plight.

Even though Central Government has greatly been exposing the slogan ‘Vikasit Bharat’, it is nothing but falsehood. With the change of time, price rise is natural but it should not be in abnormal manner. Exorbitant rise of prices is shows the in-efficiency and indifferent nature of the government. A person who has Rs.20000 as salary, fifty percent goes for rent and his family has to adjust with the remaining amount. School fee and health expenses are additional. These expenses are compelling them to go for loans. The exorbitant prices of daily essentials are causing to empty their pockets. Even now 80% of women in our country leading their lives without wear any gold ornament. Lot of people are been lived without having sufficient food. Rulers must concentrate on such innocent people. Instead of that the government is mainly working for the benefit of business and rich people. In these circumstances the common man never bothers about the rise or fall of gold prices. This only has its impact on traders. A common man only responds to the prices of daily essentials because the impact of price rise is severe on the life of a common man. Looking at the price of gold one can easily say if it is raised or dropped. For this purpose it won’t requires good knowledge. Citizens can only see if the prise of one commodity dropped or not. If lessen, how much? This is enough for him. When come to gold, compare to ten years back, present prices of gold is in exorbitant manner is the fact that to be accept. Even if the rate is fell in thousands of rupees only some section of people may show interest. That much of drop of prise never be expected. The rulers are knows well the fact behind the growth trend but never exposes it outside. A business man never does his business without profit. This is the basic fact. The government take steps only in favour of their business trends; this is also a fact to be remembered.

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