Reventh Reddy’s administration is super!

· Seventy marks for seven months rule

· Administration is moving at high speed

· Revanth concentrated on all sections of welfare

· Double role as TCC President and Chief Minister

· He succeeded in bringing Congress into power

· Reasonable seats won in Parliament elections

· Inclusive and moving forward with strengthening the party

· Administration is moving in a unique way

· Plans are prepared for the development of Telangana

· Continue to repay the loans taken by the previous government

· Repair works of Kaleswaram going on war footing

· Creating confidence among youth

· Preparations are going on to make the state a health hub

· Moving toward loan waiver

· Stern action against corrupt practices

· Moving forward to implement six assurances

· Implementing development and welfare programs in balancing manner

As Chief Minister of Telangana, Revanth Reddy has successfully completed 7months of his rule. In this period no dissatisfaction is seen among the people and negativity is nowhere present, except the haste created by BRS. Revanth Reddy receiving appreciations from all section of people and as Chief Minister and TCC President he has been successful in running the administration as well as taking every care to prevent any dissatisfaction in the party fold. Like that his dual role became successful with careful steps taken on every aspect those projecting him as efficient leader in the party. We can say that he has been successful in balancing the rule and party administration. Till now there appears no displeasure among party leaders. Really speaking, everybody is well acquainted with the internal democracy in Congress party. All these things remain best examples for the efficiency of Revanth Reddy who brought the party into power with single handed during previous Assembly elections. He took total responsibility to bring the party into power and moved into the people to achieve his goal by announcing six guarantees. Entire Telangana society attracted towards the assurances given by Revanth Reddy and stood behind him with firmness. The secret deal between BJP and BRS caused some sort of damage to Congress causing to loss of some seats, even though it can be said that the people of Telangana gave respectable position for the leadership of Revanth Reddy in parliament elections. As Chief Minister he became successful during this seven months period, with concentrating on weeding out the corruption practices in the state. With inclusive nature making him successful in preventing any displeasure among the party leaders and no voice is raising against him among Congress top leaders. With the steps taken against the fraudulent activities, now number of corruption kings is being exposed. At the same time he is also very careful enough to implement welfare schemes without any interruption. During the period of previous government, employees were unable to take their salaries before 15th of every month. Now Revanth Government taking care of salary payments by 1st of every month. Those files pending in piles during last government tenure are now being cleared with utmost urgency.

Immediately after coming to power he released white paper on every department. He also exposed the corruption took place in purchasing of electricity. He became success in creating awareness among the people on how the previous government utilised Kaleswaram Projects as ATM. Now, correcting the mistakes committed by BRS government he is putting his every step in forward direction by implementing the assurances given by him during election campaign. Kaleswaram repair works successfully completed. Within three months of coming to power, parliament elections declared. Without any confusion, Revanth Reddy continued with balancing the administration and election campaign with utmost care against raising any problems. Even facing such pressure, he became successful to achieve eight Lok Sabha seats for Congress. Within the period of three months he has become successful in bringing Rs.40000crore worth investments into the state. In this same period he is also able to provide job opportunities for 30000 unemployed youth. He is going to announce mega DSC. Previous government conducted Group-I examinations for three times but got ridiculed. Now Revath Reddy successfully completed these examinations with smooth manner and the recruitment process held without causing any hassles. In previous occasions paper leaks occurred even in10th class examinations. Evaluation of papers was not done in proper way causing for the deaths of 20 Intermediate students. Now after advent of Revanth Sarkar there are no allegations on paper leakages and all examinations held in smooth way. At the same time results were also announced mean time so that government received wide spread appreciations from the people. Now the government is preparing itself to conduct Group-II examinations. Revanth took the elections as big task and became success. Like that now he considers the administration also one task and doing it with excellent manner. He is now focused on to put Telangana in the path of growth. At one side he has been implementing the ‘Raitu Bharosa’ and on the other taking steps to implement waiver of farmer loans. For this purpose he appointed one sub-committee with ministers. After receiving its report on 15th August the waiver of farmer loans will be implemented, revealed Revanth Reddy. During election campaign he successfully spread the information regarding six assurances among the masses.

He incorporated 13 issues in six assurances and attained the confidence of people. Now all of them are being implemented in Telangana. Free bus journey for women is being successfully implementing in the state. Opposition parties wanted to make this as issue and tried their level best to create flutter among the people but all of their efforts left in vain. The free bus service affects the livelihood of auto drivers and others who are in transport field, BRS extensively campaign on this issue during parliament elections but people didn’t believe that party and gave their support to Congress. Revanth already issued orders to officials to take steps to implement the waiver of farming loans on 15th, August. In previous, KCR also gave assurance for waiver of loans, but forgotten it for ten years! If Revanth becomes success in implementing his assurance given on waiver of loans, there will be no problem for him to continue in power for next ten years. Loan is like heart burning issue for farmers and if waiver causes greatest relief for farmers. Then farmers never forget Revanth Reddy and keep him always in their hearts. Due to waiver of loans farmers will be able to get new loans. Since ten years they are eagerly waiting for this decision from the Government. Some officials have been continuing in their seats and indulging inordinate corruption. Now this government is continue to identify such officers and preparing to get them transferred to other places. Like that Chief Minister putting the administration on proper line and running the administration with jet speed.

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