Political Tsunami of Ponguleti!


·Ponguleti will create new history

·Congress win is confirmed in Khammam

·Egotism filled Nama have no ‘love’ his party

·‘Nama’ is appearing in only Flexies not in people

·‘BRS’ came to end in Khammam

·BRS existence is in uncomfortable situation

·The ‘Gulabi’ lost its fragrance with the effect of Ponguleti

·Not BRS on the way to loss its existence

·BRS leaders fell in depression even before elections

·Poguleti is busy on appraising the majority

·There is Josh in the Congress followers

·Ponguleti wind will wash away ‘Car’

·BRS leaders are choosing their own ways


The boldness of a leader will become irresistible strength to a party, is the opinion expressed by political scholars. At current scenario we can say ‘Ponguleti’ is such leader. Really speaking he is nothing but a Tsunami. In general there continues challenges among political leaders belong to different parties. There is reality in what said, ‘morning fight and evening friendship’ among political leaders. When we observe it is essential for the democracy to flourish. Leaders belong to various parties may differ each other on the base of ideology but that shall not turn into individual enmity. A political leader may possess persistence as his characteristic nature. At the same time he must develop an attitude of loving his people. After rising to a level as leader he must be in a position to help those followers who trust him. Not only that a leader shall must have the qualities for showing righteous path to those who are following him. Instead if leader is not in position to find a way for him, he can’t be in a position to show proper way for his followers. That is why to become strong leader one must always remain with the people. Here winning or losing in elections is not important, to be as efficient leader it is the essential quality that require. Generally such leaders who have required strong qualities remain in rare. ‘Ponguleti’ is one among such leaders. He has all qualities those require for the leaders of this generation. Ideologically he can move forward without caring of thrones in his way. In 2014 for the first time the name of Poguleti Srinivasa Reddy came into limelight when he contested the Parliament Elections as a candidate of YSRCP and won the Khammam seat. Not only had that he also succeeded in making two MLAs to win Assembly elections from YSRCP. Later when he joined BRS he had got no proper recognition in the party. Actually BRS leaders wanted him to join the party, to make him weak without giving proper position. In 2018 BRS MLA ticket was not given. Even in 2019 party had denied the Parliament ticket to him. All such actions against him not worked on strong leader Ponguleti. The negligence of BRS high command made him to rethink about his political future. After waiting for some time he joined Congress party.

He worked hard for BRS

From the beginning he continued to loyal to party. At the same time he worked hard to strengthen more the party in the district. Unfortunately the party leaders wanted to keep him aside in politics. Finally those who wanted to make him aloof, now being distanced away from power by the people. Later Poguleti pledged to defeat every MLA candidate who will contest in the banner of TRS. After joining in Congress he relentlessly worked hard and finally got successful in making all BRS candidates to face defeat and achieved win for all Congress candidates in the district. Now under his leadership Khammam has been transformed into strong fort for Congress. Now BRS reached to its weakest position in the district. KCR who became famous as statesman also became unsuccessful in facing Ponguleti in Khammam district. KCR always tried to suppress Ponguleti political career. Now KCR himself lost the power and struggling for survival. When BRS is in down fall in the state, Pongulati became success making it to struggle for existence in the district. With the politics played by Ponguleti ‘Car’ lost its identity in the district. Now Nama Nageswar Rao is contesting as MP candidate for BRS party from Khammam. In previous he didn’t have the history of making the party strengthen, instead he benefited a lot under the shadow of BRS. This is name he acquired in Khammam politics.

During election time Nama will generally appears in the public along with some leaders. After winning the elections he never appears among people. KCR has done a great mistake by encouraging such selfish leader instead of giving preference to Ponguleti. The mistake done by KCR now benefited to Congress. In one angle KCR attitude also benefited Ponguleti. If he got some preference and remain the party, ponguleti might have not got this much of reputation. Not only that now he emergence as strong leader established in politics. Now he has total control on district politics and also remains in second position in State Cabinet. With the effect of Ponguleti now Nama is not in a position to move for campaign. Even people belong to his own community are now questioning about his indifferent attitude. Previously he continued in Telugudesam party. Recently when he wants to enter the Telugudesam office, party workers denied his entry and forced him to go back. Now BRS is not in a position to retain its position.

The win of Congress confirmed

Playing politics against Ponguleti is not much easy. Now he is in busy to bring thumping majority to Congress in the district. The ongoing discussions among people in the district concentrating on how much majority will Congress get? But not on the tight fight. Now there is no prominent leader remain for BRS in the district. Almost all leaders followed Ponguleti and joined in Congress. After Parliament elections it is saying that the remaining BRS leaders will also join Congress. Ponguleti remain best example for how the persistence of a strong leader will change the future of a party? BRS in the district not only lost a strong leader but also its existence. In the case of Congress, when it was struggling for existence, Ponguleti efforts turned it into not only strong in the district but also with the efforts of Revanth Reddy it successfully took the power in the state. Raghuram Reddy who has been contesting from Khammam as Congress candidate is now strong enough to contest against BRS. His family has long history in Warangal district politics. In later period politically some gap came after his father Ramasahayam Bhuvanasundar Reddy. Now Ponguleti is standing in support of Raghuram Reddy which fetches him in the form of victory like cakewalk. Now Khammam people are fully supporting Ponguleti, he who stood in support of Ramasahayam Raghuram Reddy. In this scenario, the victory of Congress will definitely remain as an historical event. In this back ground BRS already lost its hopes. There prevail festive mood already in the Ponguleti camp. There is no question of tension and no need of eagerness on result because Congress is going to win and Ponguleti is leading it towards victory.

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