Future Chief Minister of AP Pawankalyan


·AP has a perfect leader for the future

·In the future AP politics will revolve around regional parties

·The chief of Janasena is now the winner of people’s hearts

·Janasena created a tsunami with a stormy wind in AP

·Created a new record by winning 100% of seats contested

·This victory is the result of sixteen years of hard work

·Political journey started from ‘Prajarajyam’

·In 2014 Janasena formed

·At first he lost two seats where Pawan contested

·Without reducing played politics with much more passion

·Pawan vowed, to show what he is!

·Finally he achieved what he wanted


The ability of ‘where to draw back and where to rise’ is one among the top natures of an efficient leader. Silver Screen icon Pawan Kalyan has exhibited such character which made him to prove himself as strong leader among the masses. Not only in cine life but also in politics he has shown his strength and courage along with patience and able to create a place for himself in the hearts of people. Up and downs are very common for every person. Without experiencing the defeat one can’t reach the goal of success. The passion created after facing defeat, definitely takes him in right path to attain success. At the same time that particular person also understands how much labour is being required to reach the final step of success. All these experiences are like ‘university’ like which has shown him the way how to move in the ‘hard rocks’ those always hinder the progress. Lot of leaders can’t digest the defeat in their path. Such leaders can’t move forward with strong determination. Whereas in some other leaders such defeats causes to raise determination to get success and reach the goal. Pavankalyan is best example for such leaders. His strong determination along with his vision has made the success to knock his door. As Narendramodi said, Pavan is not a wind but a storm. It is real. Pavankalyan not became as leader on overnight. His political career not began now. It has one decade history. Ten years back he started his career as Youth leader in Prajarajyam. When party failed to get win the seats he felt disappointed. At the same time when his brother Chiranjeevi wanted to merge the party with Congress, he strongly objected. This is the fact that not known to lot of people. Then he decided to move forward with strong desire to beat the success where it lost!

At first he clearly understood the fact that in politics it is not possible to become leader in overnight, so that he carefully planned to move forward with step by step manner, because he knows well that even 3decades experience as Mega Star in film industry, his brother could not get success in politics. He also understood the hardships to face in this political journey. Those who didn’t understood the planning of Pavan resort to criticise him. He has his distinctive plan, so that he never cared such deliberations and moved forwards without any hesitation. Sometimes he continued his cine career along with indulging political activities. Like that he moved forward keeping his two legs in two professions. This made opponents to criticise him as time pass leader and even adopted son of Chandrababu. He never bothered such deliberations and moved forwards as per his plan. If you observe in the political career of Pavan there lie some interesting things to be note. Pavan Kalayan really far sighted leader. When United Andhra Pradesh divided into two states, he didn’t contest the elections in New Andhra but he extended his support to Telugudesam because he thought if state goes into the hands of Jagan, there will be no bright future for the state. In2014 TDP, BJP and Janasena contested the polls by forming alliance. At that time Pavan didn’t get a place in decision making activities. At the same time Central Government didn’t extended its support to new state. This attitude made Pavan to get dissatisfaction against the Central Government. He began show his fingers against BJP.

On the issue of special status he openly criticised the BJP government. Central Government announced to provide Rs.2lakh crores under development package. For this also Pavan expressed his dissatisfaction. These criticisms created an impact on TDP politics. As per the strong wish of party cadre and leaders Pavan decided to make his party to contest in 2019 Assembly elections. Three parties entered the fray individually only benefited Jagan with splitting of votes in between them. The request made by Jagan to give him one chance, created positive response from the people who gave their votes and made him to come to power. Pavan lost the two seats where he contested. This defeat made Pavan to move forwards with strong determination. Immediately he began to enter into the masses. At one side being continued in close contact with people and on the other side he wanted to make alliance with TDP. He knows well that without the support of TDP it is not possible to defeat Jagan. In this background two years before the elections he aliened with TDP which agitated YSRCP. Since then he began his direct attack on the rule of Jagan. His slogans and timely speeches attracted those people who didn’t like the rule of Jagan. Y.S. Jagan also started to attack on Pavan personal life. Pavan also resorted with strong counter to Jagan. Like this political drama in AP continued till the Assemble elections held. Pavan counter attacks very much attracted his followers. When Jagan sent Chandrababu to jail, Pavan stood in support of TDP and continued his attacks on Jagan. Telugu society also began to think once again on the attitude of the government. The impact of Pavan speeches and attacks on Jagan rule also made the people to realise the facts on actual situation of the state. At that time the tours made with Vaarahi had turned advantage to Pavan.

In 2024 elections Janasena candidates got win all constituencies where they contested. Achieving 100% win in all contested seats will occur really on rarest of rare occasions. This also remain like tsunami that created by Pavan. As part of alliance TDP move forward to offer 25 Assembly seats to Pavan. Then opponents began to criticise that Janasena is nothing but ‘Pavala’ (one fourth). Finally TDP offered him 24 seats and asked him to give three seats to BJP from the allocated seats to Janasena. Pavan remained silent and gave three seats to BJP from this quota. Astonishing to everybody Pavan created history by wining 21 out of 21 seats contested. Two parliament seats allocated Pawan. Wining these two seats is not a easy task, but Janasena won those two seats. Here one thing we shall keep in mind. Without Pavan it is not possible for TDP to win such a huge majority. During ten years BJP has done nothing to Andra Pradesh. That party also won the seats in which it contested. When Chandrababu tried to make alliance with BJP majority of leaders opposed his move. By that time Pavan already had alliance with BJP. Chandrababu never cared the offer given by Congress to give special status to the state. Pavan also gave no preference to Congress. State people are still in anger against Congress Party. In entire country BJP wave is in full swing. In these circumstances Chandrababu can’t look towards Congress. If BJP was facing negative wave in the country, Chandrababu decision might have in different way. Finally three parties aliened each other and contested the elections. Now regional parties in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and other states may play key role in National politics. Once again alliance politics come to dominate the Indian political arena.

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