CM Revanth shall rectify the problems of Home Guards

·Troubled life of 250 Home Guards

·They are employees in united Andhra Pradesh

·Now they become unemployed in their own state

·In previous Netidhatri wrote number of stories on their plights

·Every time rulers gave assurances but nothing have done 

·Now Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka raised this issue in Assembly

·Now they require these jobs for their livelihood

·They kept all their hopes on CM Revanth Reddy

·They lost their jobs for giving slogans ‘Jay Telangana’

·Ever after formation of the state still now they are eagerly waiting for posts

·CM shall show his compassion towards them

·They worked for the victory of Congress

·Previous rulers totally neglected them

·When you are in opposition you have extended your support

·You only rouse their issue in the Assembly

·They relentlessly had roam to solve their problem

·Then Congress demanded for solution 

·Recently they have submitted their application to Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka

·They have fed up with their failure efforts

·One person also attempted for suicide


These are employees in United Andhra Pradesh. Now they are on roads after losing their jobs. They were Home Guards during United Andhra Pradesh. When movement started for separate Telagana they felt if it happens, their lives will become brighten with raising salaries. With this type of thinking they not only supported the Telangana movement but also once raised slogans in favour of formation of separate state. Immediately then government removed them from their posts. This action made their families to fell on roads. When they fell in deep sorrow for this situation, KCR consoled them and assured to reinstate in their posts. After that Telangana state formed and KCR became Chief Minister. After coming to power KCR forgotten them and never had shown any interest in reinstating them in their posts. Every time he used to postpone their issue against giving solution which may very easy for him, KCR never bothered about these poor removed Home Guards. Even Ministers and MLAs in the previous government also said so many things in favour of them, but done nothing instead dropping crocodile tears. 

What happened?

These are total 250 Home Guards. During United Andhra Pradesh they worked for ten years in these posts. When Telangana movement rouse to peek level, they had joined ‘Sakalajanulu’. At that time government employees extended their support to Telangana movement and rouse their slogans in favour of the movement. Then these Home Guards also forced to do like that with the incitement of Telangana agitators. This information reached top officials of the government immediately taken action by removing them from their posts. Fell in deep depression with this government’s action Home Guards decided to start their trails for reinstating in their posts. Then these Telangana agitators prevented them from starting their efforts by giving assurance that after getting Telangana they will regain their posts. These Home Guards relayed on their words and remain kept quite. After formation of Telangana, Ministers and MLAs asked them to stay with patience for some time. These persons remain in patience till the end of BRS tenure ten years but nothing happened in favour of them. Like that BRS leadership deceived them in getting their jobs. Once KCR assured in Assembly all those who lost their jobs will get justice by reinstating in their posts but in later period he forgotten these poor jobless Home Guards.

Number of stories in ‘Netidhatri’

‘Netidhatri’ wrote number of stories on the plights of these Home Guards who lost their jobs. It also consulted then Ministers and concerned MLAs regarding their issue. All of those leaders gave assurances in favour of these Home Guards and told that they will take every possible step to solve their problem. Later they soaked this issue and never do anything in favour of them. Then Present Minister Sitakka who was in opposition raised this issue in Assembly. When she fine there was no response from the government, she exposed entire this episode to media. With this action, then Ministers felt fear assured to take this issue towards KCR. They also requested not to go towards media.

Srinivas Goud who was minister then, also continued as Union leader of Home Guards. Unfortunately even continued in power for ten years, he never shown any interest on this issue of Home Guards. Now recently he arranged media meeting and demanded the government to solve the problem of these poor Home Guards. What astonishing is, when he was in power had done nothing, but now he is demanding for solution. Recently these Home Guards has met PCC Vice-President Jagga Reddy and explained him about their plight and injustice caused to them. Immediately he took them to Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka and explained everything about what had happened to them. At the same time a requisition letter also given to him. Mallu Vikramarka told them to take this issue towards Chief Minister Revanth Reddy. Since ten years they have been roaming towards every leader whom they felt capable to solve their problem. Till now they have not get any solution for their problem. They have lost all their patience and not in a position to move towards any other leader. One among them recently attempted to commit suicide also. Immediate response from the family members saved his life.

Hopes on Revanth Reddy

Now these poor Home Guards kept their hopes on CM Revanth Reddy. Since coming to power he is fulfilling his assurances one by one and getting appreciations from all sections for this style of administration. No he also implemented his election assurance on waiver of loans to farmers. He took decision waiver of loans up to Rs.2lakh to the farmers and delighted the farmers. Now these Home Guards are in the hope that they can get rid of their existing problems by reinstating in their posts. Out of 250 Home Guards, 30 belong to the home district of Revanth Reddy. They have already lost their ten years of valuable life due to deceive of BRS leaders. Till now they are eking their lives just by doing daily labour work. If Revanth Reddy takes steps to reinstate them in their previous posts, they can regain their old life. Now they are living with the hope that Revanth Reddy can do justice to them. Even they had not become police, simply satisfied with this Home Guard job. With this job they felt satisfaction for this opportunity to render service to the society. Unfortunately they have deceived by the previous leaders. They have won the elections in the name of Telangana and came to power but greatly neglected the lives of Home Guards who sacrificed their jobs for the sake of Telangana. Now their lives are fell in dark due lack of any employment opportunity. If Chief Minister Revanth Reddy kind enough to take steps in favour of these poor Home Guards, it will illuminate their lives to lead happy life.

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