BRS tickets given to deceivers


· Party cadre alleging in open

· Didn’t bother the hard work of party workers

· The relentless work of in-charges remains vain

· In-charges who worked hard deluded

· Tickets given to those who brought the party to the stage of collapse

· Party candidates expressed their anger against cadre

· Just before poling candidates declared helplessness

· ‘It is not possible’: candidates told to party workers

· ‘Party has given nothing’ candidates said in open

· ‘Party left us in utter confusion by giving the ticket’: Candidates

· Some of them abused KCR in front of the party cadre

· Candidates behavior left party workers remain in surprise

· At first they wanted tickets, but later expressed reluctance

· This is unreliable behaviour of those who enjoyed power

· They kept party given money without spending

· Candidates disgraced the party in front of workers

· Party workers left in utter confusion with the attitude of the candidates

· Some candidates indirectly incited the people to vote in favour of BJP

· They destroyed the hopes of KCR

· Before elections ‘car’ remain in much popularity

· After elections BRS disappeared in discussions

· Entire mistake lies on the candidates

· Winning chances only depend on KCR!

Accepting the rightful criticism is one among the leadership qualities. A rightful leader always introspect himself on the allegations and criticisms rising by the opponents and people. ‘I know everything’, is the aspect keeps a leader in adamant position and keeps him distance away from his well wishers. A leader may be strong enough to lead his party, at the same time he must require to hear what others saying. He must take the advices and suggestions from his fellow leaders. After discussing the pros and corns, a final decision shall be made which benefits not only for himself but also for his followers. Especially those who are in politics and in higher positions must require the suggestions from his fellow leaders. So the indications of advisory board are must to follow. It must be remembered that in some cases, even the decisions made collectively after hectic discussions, given the results with failure, but in most of the occasions such type of decisions gives fruitful results. Now these types of discussions are most essential for BRS. Now thousands of dedicated leaders at lower level are ready to work for BRS party. BRS party cadre and followers are presents in lakhs in numbers. KCR still remain in the hearts of Telangana people. Telangana is heart beat for KCR. In this situation what is most important is to have clear understanding on what is happening in the party. Review is essential on the defeats facing by party and steps require preventing such defeats in subsequent years. Win and defeat is very common for a political party. Some parties remain in power gaining continuous victories in elections. BJP is best example for this. In Gujarat this party continuously came into power for seventh time. Now it has been expanding throughout the country. What is the main cause for this success is the question generally arises. The answer is Gujarat, because BJP built strong base in this state and with the experiences that it gained facilitated it to gain power in the Centre and now to persistent expansion in the country. Likewise Telangana State is the Base for BRS. KCR remain the powerful think-tank for the party. Top leadership is strategically very strong and moving forward the party with great confidence. It has plenty of leaders who have very much reputation among the people. Strong cadre is present at bottom which creating a strong base for the party. Entire future of the party lies in the hands of such party workers. It is said that, a review has been made on the causes for defeat faced during Assembly elections. Party leaders assured that they will take care of those mistakes not to repeat once again in these Parliament elections. One year before the Assembly elections ‘Netidhatri’ wrote number of stories on the party position. It also gave detail account of happenings inside the party fold. It also highlighted how Telangana transformed into green carpet with the construction of Kaleswaram Project. Then, why Telangana masses rejected the rule of KCR? He is the main cause for the transformation of state into rice bowl. Since one year ‘Netidhatri’ has continuously been cautioned the party leadership about the growing discontent in the state. It also suggested changing at least 30 MLAs who had facing head-wind in their constituencies. BRS leadership remain indifferent towards these warning bells and finally itself faced grave consequences for its mistakes committed with negligence. After losing the Assembly elections, BRS kept itself ready for Parliament elections. There is very little gap in between these two election. Even though people realised their mistake looked towards BRS to extend once again their support. But BRS is not in a position on understanding the mood of the people and did not take any steps to count the pulse of the state. People really felt that those who have great role in Telangana movement will get party tickets in these elections. Unfortunately BRS leadership which is unable to estimate the peoples pulse gave tickets those leaders who don’t have good reputation among people. Even though people have very much affection towards the party, the party chosen candidates remain an obstacle for getting victory for whomever the people are not willing to give their votes in favour. Due to such candidates now the party fell in danger of facing defeat once again after Assembly elections.
Whoever may think what they feel right, ‘Netidhatri’ never sit ideal without exposing the fact. Now what the party workers are saying is correct. Whether party gave tickets in forced manner or leaders really wanted is not related point to party workers. Their main duty is to work hard for the victory of the candidate chosen by the party. There are allegations that some candidates who are in fray not only ignored but also despised the party workers and some leaders went further to subject them to harassment. Such attitude of those candidates wounded the hearts of cadre. Really speaking party candidates never put their efforts even ten percent of hard work made by party workers not caring the scorching sun. During the road shows of KCR, candidates had shown some excess show and after that they never shown any interest in participating the campaign. Only in-charges and party workers have made extensive campaign for the victory of the party candidates. This attitude of the candidates has been unanimously exposing by all party workers in the state. All these things shall be known to party high-command. Some leaders who got the party tickets left the party and joined in other party and got tickets from that party and contested the elections. Really saying they have challenged the leadership of KCR. In order to give them a befitting reply, the candidates who are in the fray must work hard to win the elections. Finally KCR came for the campaign but those leaders didn’t show any gratitude to the leader. Exactly at the time of poling these leaders declared their helplessness, totally relaying on the false campaign made in social media in favour of other party candidates. Unfortunately they didn’t believe the news coming in favourable media. After Assembly elections KTR raised the importance of required social media in 30 numbers. Then why he did not take steps towards this direction? Why the party greatly neglected Netidhatri that working for two decades for the sake of party. Party failed to recognise the selfless services rendered by media like Netidhatri. The media that worked for the party has its own selfish mottos. Likewise party candidates have not bothered about cadre. It seems BRS repeated the same mistake committed during Assembly elections. When KCR came for campaign there appeared some josh among party and people. Unfortunately this josh didn’t appear on the day of polling. Why? Party failed to recognise the discontent among the party workers is the reason. Some leaders who contested have their own selfish mottos but never bothered about the fate of the party.
Some party leaders for their astonishment said that what party has done for the sake their benefit. ‘We have sacrificed for the sake of the party’ they continued. Those leaders are not given the tickets for the first time. During KCR tenure they enjoyed number of posts and benefited from the party. Then, how they were able to speak like this? Really it is a puzzle. Since ten years who enjoyed the power, now speaking like this means, it exposed the real face of them. Then what about party cadre who have been relentlessly working hard for the growth of the party? In any party if one wants to become Sarpanch, Manal President then MLA … climbing this ladder is most difficult. To become MLA, an average party worker waits for life long period. In some cases some may change the party to reach immediate higher position. So many party workers put their full efforts and relentlessly work hard to make their dream of become MLA in to reality. Unfortunately now so called leaders are raising their voice against the party and leadership means it is nothing but ingratitude towards party. Those who got MP tickets now, if tried to get win more number of MLA seats in previous elections, their victory might have become cakewalk. These leaders relinquished to help MLA candidates in the previous elections. Like that they remain main cause for the own party fellow leaders. This never goes without giving result. That result is waiting for them in the form of defeat. Some candidates abused BRS top leadership in front the cadre. Can you expect any support for the party from such indifferent leaders? Party workers also fed up with the attitude of such leaders. Before elections those who wanted tickets, after getting them asked for party support. In such situation party in-charges worked hard to get victory for the party candidate. When candidates not interested to spend money, these in-charges spent lakhs of rupees for campaign. If such candidates emerge victorious, can we expect gratitude from them? Candidates are responsible, for the people not showing any interest towards BRS on polling day. BJP candidate who fought the election for Hyderabad seat, has relentlessly worked hard even not caring of eating and sleeping. Any BRS candidate at-least worked 10% of it? Even if BRS candidates win the elections, really it is nothing but the life given by KCR. It is not correct for the leaders to make KCR distance away from the Telangana people.

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