Adulteration squeezing the society

·Every item is subjected adulteration

·Along with edible oil, ghee all food items became adulterate

·No item we find without adulteration

·Business became deceitful one

·Adulterated items are dangerous to lives of people

·Water to medicines everything getting adulterated

·Even salt to dal nothing is left

·Cooking oil to hair oil…

·Every item being adulterated

·Milk to liquor…

·The period of mixing of stones in rice is over

·Totally rice is being adulterated

·No ethics in business

·Virtue and sin are remained only to tell

·We can’t find item free from adulterated

·We have to live with adulteration

Now a day’s adulteration became very common and the period came for us to adjust and continue our lives accepting the adulterated items even putting our lives in stake. Adulteration creating fear among people but nothing can be done by them for either to prevent or avoid. Today it does not astonish that without adulterated item we are not eating our food. Government do nothing to prevent it. Law has no time to take action. Our systems don’t have much time to eradicate this pandemic like adulteration activities. A common man who has to experience any problem by adulteration became helpless and scolding himself for this prevailed adverse situation and continue to eke out his life. Really speaking he continues to struggle with his own life and becomes weary. In this situation he is unable to fight with the systems. At the same time being common man without having any support he can’t fight with the system which is highly corrupted and dominated and controlled by the people who indulge in fraudulent activities. This prevailing situation has making him to fear and confined to his struggle to eke out his family. This is not confined to common man, those who are in higher positions in the system also not interfering in this matter. There is also some reason for their reluctance. Every party required funds to maintain the party. These funds are being provided by the businessmen who indulge in illegal business. Political leaders used to keep all such business men under their control to collect required funds. Now from political leaders to higher officials in the Government also in the position habituated to eat such adulterated food. Then we can easily expect the position of a common man. Every day in the morning what we drink coffee, tea and milk along with water also become adulterated. We are looking the news items those exposes the adulterated activities but we are habituated to giving no response. Finally our bodies became accustomed to this adulteration, even luckily if you get a pure item, now your body won’t accept it! Not only cities, but also villages are not exception for this. 

It is become common today that some people used to squeeze the buffalos in the name of milk. In this process they are subjecting those animals into hurt. By drinking the milk that has taken from the buffalos we are experiencing lot of changes in our body. With the injections given to buffalos to get more milk causing hormonal changes in the children who intake that milk. Especially these changes are specific in girls. Due to this milk, the changes regarding to maturity is appearing in the girls before the years naturally occur. We all know how the refined oil we are using for cooking purpose is being prepared. This business is now flourishing like anything and business men earning crores of rupees from this oil trade. Even the governments are also encouraging such business. Media is also occasionally exposing how this oil being produced. But we do nothing. Two decades back there was sunflower cultivation continued in our state in wide spread manner. Unfortunately since a decade this crop disappeared in Telangana. Even in country also this crop cultivation drastically fell down. When Sunflower crop was grown in wide spread area, there was no trace of this oil in any shop in the state. Even in Government ration shops also this oil did not appear. In those day’s government used to encourage the sales of Palmolive oil. In those days this oil flooded into every shop. Even for hotels also this oil had been supplied. Today there is no sunflower crop in the state but every where we can find this oil bottles. How it became possible for this oil to flood into the market? Nobody will give you answer. But the fact is that, taking the sunflower seeds those imported from other countries mixing them with crude oil heats up to hundreds of degrees Celsius. Then different types of chemicals are mixed with this and prepare the sunflower oil. This causes dangerous diseases to the people. The governments know this well but never ready to take action on such culprits responsible for misdoing. Now market rate for sunflower seeds Rs.400 per kg.

To get one kg oil it needs three kg seeds. That means per one kg oil you have to spend Rs.1200. But, multinational companies are selling sunflower oil at Rs.120 in the market. How it is happening we don’t question. For the sake of lives and with our insufficient salaries we can’t afford more than this amount. Just we are satisfying with the refined oil that supplied by a multinational company. We are not caring about our health. If disease occur let us see later. This is the attitude of ours. We never expose our BP and Sugar diseases. Now we are experiencing these diseases even at early ages. The food items we are eating are only cause for this unfortunate situation. The people who are living in hilly areas of North India generally suffer from Thyroid problem. The iodised salt that prepared for them is now being sold in all over the country. This creating thyroid problems for the people who live in open places.

We are intentionally distancing ourselves from the salt that naturally available from sea water. The sales of such salt already stopped in the market. Business persons are not willing to sell them because there is no demand from the people. In olden days if anybody feels giddiness just they used ginger for cure. They were also used garlic in widespread manner to cure lot of health problems. Now these two crops disappeared from our fields. Now large companies used to purchase the ginger and garlic those spoiled one used to preserve with mixing with chemicals like acids. This is nothing but playing with the health of the people. We generally like the traditional sweets made up of ghee. In recent in the name of Emerald some business people made campaign their sweets as organic and deceived the people. This we all know well. In the name of pure ghee sweets, business men are playing with the weakness of the people. Today our bodies are badly habituated to this adulterated food. It may not astonish you when our bodies won’t accept the pure organic items. It seems that day will also come in near future. Today we are fallen in helpless condition. We can’t resist these fraudulent activities and at the same time we can’t eat such adulterated food. The situation is like that we have to accept this bad period waiting with a hope those good days will come.

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