Revent’s efforts to protect the nature

·He is saving the nature from destruction

·He is releasing the tanks from occupations

·He is punishing those who encroached the tanks

·He want to bring past glory to tanks in Hyderabad

·With his action Hyderabad regains its nature beauty

·He is not hesitate to send bulldozers on encroachments

·Next time nobody will dare enough to occupy the tanks

·Revanth is doing ‘Yagna’ to eliminate the encroachments

·His aim is to bring pleasant atmosphere to city residents

·He wants the people to get rid of water problem

·His objective is to bring beauty to city with tanks

·His efforts bring peaceful and pleasant life to city residents

·Nature lovers dream will take the shape of reality


When sage Viswamitra wants to perform sacrifice lot of obstacles prevented him from doing such virtuous activity. Then with the help of Lord Srirama and Lakshmana he successfully overcome those obstructions and completed his sacrifice. Likewise now Telangana chief Minister is doing ‘sacrifice’ to purify the nature of capital city. In this regard he launched his war against the illegal encroachments and constructions made in the tank full areas. The experiences now facing by the people of metropolitan cities Chennai and Bangalore made Revanth Reddy to move forward in this direction. Once Bangalore was adorned with number of tanks those gave natural beauty to the city. Two or three decades back Bangalore city had pleasant climate that attracted everybody towards it. Unfortunately in the course of time in the name of development, tanks were filled with illegal constructions and entire city has been converted into concrete jungle. With this total greenery disappeared and now city has been experiencing hot climate which is totally different to its previous position. Indiscriminate constructions and abnormally grown population now made the city to face water problem. Now heavy traffic and hot climate made the city life miserable. When comes to Chennai, even it is a city with sea coast, water problem is severe in the city. The indiscriminate expansion of the city made this trouble more severe. In 1980s then Chief Minister NTR gave water to Chennai through Telugu Ganga. The experiences of Chennai and Bangalore made Telangana Government to take steps to preserve the water bodies which occupied with illegal constructions. Revanth Reddy doesn’t want to transform Hyderabad like either Bangalore or Chennai. Already number of tanks in the city disappeared with the illegal constructions. Now this government under the leadership of Revanth Reddy determined to restore the nature of the city.

HYDRA is created

With the intention to restore the beauty of Hyderabad, present government created HYDRA and gave it full powers to eliminate the illegal occupations in full tank areas and in buffer zones. Revanth Reddy wants to bring pleasant atmosphere to the city, with restoring the lost tanks through taking stern action against those illegal encroachments. He also gave permission to HYDRA to take action against those who extended their assistance for illegal occupations with indulging fraudulent activities. In this regard already action has been initiated on five officers who responsible for giving permissions. Now bulldozers are being sent towards the illegal constructions. The stern action has taken by the Government, creating fear among those who constructed high class buildings with modern amenities in illegally occupied lands. The present actions of the government cause others to think twice when moving forward for making such illegal constructions or encroachments. Now HYDRA is concentrating on to restore the boundaries of various tanks those have subjected to illegal encroachments. The main aim is to create pleasant and peaceful atmosphere to the residents of the city. One hundred years back Nizam Nawab transformed Hyderabad as lake city with beautiful climate. Now this government main aim is to bring that atmosphere. London city became famous being on the banks of River Thames. Revanth want to transform Hyderabad a beautiful and pollution free city with its nature’s beauty. Now illegal occupants shaking when heard about HYDRA. Till the tenure of previous government, all those fraudulent people constructed building as they like with the support of corrupt officials and governments. When their eyes happens to fell on any tank, immediately they used to construct a compound wall in the encroached land of it and in later they resort to construct houses with great elegance. Some construction companies moved forward and began to print broachers in the name of lake views. They propagated the idea of village atmosphere and sold out either apartments or villas with high prices and left with high profits.

Occupations continued in entire state

Those who continued their real estate business began to occupy lands. At the same time one weakness began to grow among the people to have an own house in Hyderabad. They began to felt having house in Hyderabad as a status symbol. This weakness caused them to purchase houses everywhere. In this wave, the people never bothered about knowing the details of land that they have purchased. Simply they concentrated on permissions and when they satisfied in this regard purchased such apartments or villas without any further verification. Unfortunate is that they never inquired if the land is permissible one or not. This weakness of the people had made the realtors to resort aggressively indulge in illegal encroachments and with the help of fraudulent officers they continued their constructions sold with high profits. In this process apartments and villas those constructed in occupied lands of tank full regions and buffer zones sold out as hot cakes to the people. Innocent people those purchased such residences are now facing problem with the government action. Till now most of them are unaware about the lands position in which apartments constructed. The government has its own objective. It doesn’t want to transform the city as concrete jungle with illegal constructions. Chennai and Bangalore experiences are now making the government to take stern action against such encroachments to protect the city from losing its pleasant and non polluted climate. In this back ground government gave strict orders to HYDRA to take stern action against such illegal constructions. When we protect the nature then it also protects us.

Destruction of nature endangers the lives

When the rulers realised the fact to protect the nature, they moved towards in this direction which caused some sort of change in the climate. During united Andhra Pradesh and after that the tanks in these twin cities indiscriminately occupied by the people and constructed buildings as they like. With this within three decades 1000 tanks disappeared in Hyderabad. Actually there prevailed 3800 tanks in the city. Now their number has shrunk to 2700. If it continues like this, within a decade remaining tanks will also gets disappeared. Then real problems like water scarcity and depletion of ground water levels (now already prevailed in some places), rise of temperature etc will take their sever form. We must prevent this situation to be faced in near future. Now Revanth Reddy government is doing this same thing. This action will give long term benefit and provide healthy climate to future generations. So we have to welcome the decision of the government.

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