Reaches like hillocks…Lorries are in thousands

·Sand became a rich source of income

·Lorries are filled with above load capacity

·Leaving their lives and causing the deaths of others

·Nobody checking the running condition of a lorry

·Nobody observes how much loading is taking place

·Drivers are indulging in drunk and drive

·Cleaners are driving the lorries on highways

·Bhupalapalli people are in fear of these lorries

·On one occasion, a lorry dashed over the people who were at the bus stand

·On other occasions sand lorries created horrible situations damaging tens of vehicles

·Officials are taking bribes and remain in silence

·Recently one biker died when a sand lorry dashed his vehicle

·So many incidents are not coming out

·Bribes are the main cause of all these incidents

·There is no use in checking

· The Government faces a huge loss

·Hundreds of crores were lost to the exchequer with the attitude of officials

· The government needs to arrange special vigilance


When anybody happens to visit Kaleswarm belongs to Bhupalapalli district you can see hillocks size sand heaps, those fell you in deep astonishment because they looks like real hillocks. Such a huge heaps of sand is accumulated by some people and silently running their sand business without any obstructions. Everybody knows this ‘sand danda’ but nobody dare enough to raise their voice. Actually Government wanted to develop Kaleswaram. For this purpose it gave permissions to collect sand from the banks of Godavari at Kaleswaram. This business started in slow pace and gradually it reached to the state hundreds of Lorries used to come here for sand collection. Now this number reached to thousands. As per the government regulations sand business people shall fill their Lorries up to some level fixed by the government. Unfortunately these people filling their Lorries more than the permission given and running them with overload. Like this those business people are used to mischief the government not paying the required tax amount. Like that every day thousands of tonnes of sand have been transferring from Kaleswaram. If any story regarding this sand ‘danda’ appear in media, officials create some flutter for one or two days and later the situation remain same. Entire this sand has been transported to Hyderabad. Sand Lorries are not allowed during day time. All such Lorries travel during night time only. Taking this as advantage the business people are transporting the sand filling each Lorry more than permitted quantity. In other wards all such Lorries are carrying sand in overload and moving towards Hyderabad. This has become regular practice without any preventing measures. Those officials responsible remain silent accepting bribes from these business people. Nobody take care of maintenance of such Lorries because they feel thousands of rupees loss when one Lorry stops per one day. This is the main reason for accidents caused by such Lorries.

Such Lorries won’t have enough fitness because of lack of maintenance and at the same time drivers indulge in rash driving in order to reach Hyderabad before early morning. This rash driving is main reason for accidents. They simply dash the people and goes away. Police also on some occasions create drama in the name of checking and won’t observe the person who is driving the Lorry. They won’t bother whether that driver has authentic licence or not. Some Lorries have been driven by some unauthorised persons who won’t have proper licences. Every Lorry has one cleaner. Generally such cleaners are in the age of below 20 years. When the Lorry enters the high way, the main drivers entrusted the driving responsibility to such cleaners and drivers went on sleep. During night time, no proper checking takes place in between Warangal and Hyderabad. If the cleaners smell the checking immediately wake up the main drivers who are in sleep and hand over the vehicle to them. The driving of Lorries by such inexperienced cleaners is causing accidents. Recently one sand Lorry dashed one two wheeler from backside and went away near Ghatakesar. The person who is travelling on two-wheeler died on the spot. During recent elections, some persons belong to one political party belong to other places came to Bhupalapalli for campaign purpose. They stayed there for some days and returned back to their native places two days before polling. Two among them came to Bhupalapalli bus stand and waiting for their bus to Mahabubnagar. At that time one sand Lorry came with great speed and dashed them where they died on the spot. Now Bhupalapalli people are in fear of these Lorries and for their rash driving. If they want to move outside, they remain in fear of their lives, due to these Lorries. Recently one sand Lorry dashed five two-wheelers those parked on road side in Bhupalapalli. All those vehicles smashed due to this accident. Two persons who were standby subjected to minor injuries.

During night time the sounds created by these Lorries irritating the people for not allowing them for proper sleep. Hundreds of Lorries starts at a time in queue line and drivers blow horns in reckless manner. The people who are suffering from diseases especially heart patients are facing lot of problem with the sounds produced from blowing the horns. Police know well about all these things but they are unable to control them. Those Lorries travelling with overload may face break failures because, they are being continue in service every day without proper maintenance. Even drivers also unable to control such vehicles those are not in proper condition. During night times drivers used to drink liquor and take ‘Gutkas’. In recent times police organises some awareness programmes for auto and cab drivers. Unfortunately they did not call the drivers of heavy vehicles. In recent times the use of ‘Ganja’ raised to more than usual. Really speaking auto drivers won’t have money to take ‘Ganja’. Cab drivers never go for it because they are being subjected to frequent checkups. The heavy vehicle drivers used to travel during night time. Heavy loads added with drivers who took liquor or drugs causing for accidents. Generally heavy vehicle driving is laborious activity. In order to overcome this tiresomeness drivers used take alcohol and other drugs. When they are travelling on high ways due to consuming alcohol they may went on sleep which is not in their control. All these are reasons for accidents. For all these happenings we have to show our fingers towards officials who remain silent after taking bribes. Even now it is necessary for the government to establish strict vigilance on the high ways to prevent such rash driving causing accidents. Licences of those Lorries carrying sand load more than permit given shall be cancelled. At the same time royalty shall collect from those business people who are doing this sand business in illegal manner.

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