Ponnam Prabhakar: real fighter for the cause of Telangana

·He is the rising son of Telangana movement

·He fought with dare for separate state

·He rouse the issue at Parliament

·Even remaining in power he voiced in favour of Telangana

·He preferred separate state more than his political future

·He resisted even Chief Minister of United Andhra Pradesh

·He vowed to not allow then CM into Karimnagar district

·He relinquished the Losabha MP forum President

·He made sacrifices for Telangana state

·He fought for Telangana making it as his breath

·He got identification as tough Congress leader

·He abide to the ideology which believed

·He fought as NSUI leader for student causes

·He enlightened the students

·In 2004 he sacrificed MLA ticket for the sake of M. Satyanarayana Rao

·He created record being younger MP in 15th Loksabha

·In 2023 his MLA dream became true

·He got an opportunity to serve as minister

·The voice of BCs gave strength to Ponnam

·He got an opportunity to attack against his opponents

·The effect of Ponnam is being seen in Assembly

In recent, Congress leader Undavalli Arunkumar shared his opinion on Ponnam Prabhakar on one occasion. He is good friend to me but for the cause of Telangana he totally avoided talking with me for three years. Even when happens to meet, he didn’t respond to my wish. Such a committed leader Ponnam Prabhakar, Undavalli said. Generally it is common for every politician to continue his friendship even he differs with ideologies of others. ‘I have seen number of politicians, but Ponnam Prabhakar with his commitment for Telangana, distanced himself from his number of friends’, Undavalli appreciated. This can be considered as great certificate for Ponnam Prabhakar. Especially from those who opposed Telangana he received such appreciations. While Telangana cause was in full swing he didn’t hesitate to avoid talking with his Andhra friends with the intention that movement may be little. Undavalli who opposed separate state prised him like this means, it is a great credential for him. This is nothing but recognition as a committed leader for a cause. The role played by Ponnam Prabhakar during the agitation is great. There were number of leaders who participated in the movement only to get some reputation and some other involved in the movement for some political gain. Most of the participants considered this agitation as a ladder for their political development but Ponnam Prabhakar is only politician who sacrificed his leadership for the cause of Telangana.

Ponnam Prabhakar has his own page in the history of second stage Telangana movement. Once he received praise from the people for his daring attitude during the agitation. At one occasion he was admitted in hospital. On that occasion entire Telangana people prayed for the early recovery of Ponnam with tearful eyes. Ponnam has such a strong will for the cause of Telangana. When the separate state bill introduced in the Parliament, Andhra leader Lagadapati Rajagopal indulged in pepper spray on the MPs with the intention to stop the bill. At that time Ponnam prabhakar rushed towards Lagadapati and became successful in pulling the bottle from him. On this occasion some pepper powder spilled on him and get hospitalised. Ponnam has great love for Telangana. When he was in student politics, totally understood how Telangana facing injustice in the hands of united rulers. How much loss occurred to the state in previous five decades also he has got thorough understanding. His strong desire is to get rid of Telangana from Andhra rulers. Telangana society always keeps him in its heart with utmost care. Some leaders tried their level best to be little the sacrifices made by him during agitation, but Telangana society always kept him in its heart and when occasion came immediately sent him to the Assembly. Congress party also recognised his services and gave suitable position to him whenever occasions arise. Now not only gave him the party ticket in previous elections and after winning the elections he has made minister which can be said as recognition for his services during Telangana movement. Like that he got a chance to play a key role in the cabinet. 

Naturally Ponnam Sudhakar is a leader of self respect. He raised in politics with his self efficiency. During student politics he became state leader of Congress. He became NSUI state president. After that in youth Congress he became State General Secretary. Ponnam political carrier started in 1987 and became NSUI district General Secretary in 1989. At the same time he worked as united Karimnagar district colleges’ convenor. From then onwards he raised to different levels in the party. In between 1999-2002 he continued to take key responsibilities as NSUI State President. As student leader he organised number of agitations. At that time he worked against the policies of the TDP government. He worked hard to strengthen the Congress party. Later he became Youth Congress General Secretary. In 2004 he worked with passion to bring Congress into power. In 2004 he tried for MLA ticket. Almost everybody thought that ticket was confirmed to Ponnam Prabhakar. But party high command gave ticket to M. Satyanarayana Rao. With the sacrifice of Ponnam only Satyanarayana Rao got the ticket. Otherwise he might have become MLA in those elections and become Minister in YSR cabinet. Unfortunately time pulled him back for another five years. In 2009 Congress party gave him an opportunity to contest the MP elections by giving him ticket. In those elections from Andhra Pradesh 33 Congress MPs elected from united Andhra Pradesh. Out all elected MPs Ponnam Prabhakar was youngest MP in Loksabha who came from Telangana. Then Congress party made him convenor of Lok Sabha MPs and entrusted key responsibilities.

When Telangana movement was in full swing in 2010, Ponnam resigned to his post and continued in the movement as an MP of Congress party. With his own style he organised the agitation. He always stood in forefront in the action plan of the Telangana movement. During Telangana movement every leader in the state irrespective of their party and ideology remain united and fought for separate state. He took part in ‘dhoom dhaam’ and ‘Vanta Varpu’. He continue to stood like back bone for the agitation. He extended his support to the agitation and gave protection to the agitators when ever required. During that time he opposed then Chief Minister Kirankumar Reddy. Once upon a time as Chief Minister Kirankumar Reddy wanted to make his tour in Karimnagar district. Then Ponnam strongly opposed the CM’s decision and advised him not to enter into the district. If you do like that it may become and action of inciting the agitators, Ponnam explained. Kirankumar Reddy was not in a position to heed the advice of Ponnam Prabhakar. At one stage Ponnam warned kirankumar Reddy ‘if you not heed to what I am saying, I will blast the helicopter you travel’. These harsh words of Ponnam Prabhakar then created flutter not only in the Congress party but also in united Andhra Pradesh. Then Ponnam took vow not to allow Kirankumar Reddy to enter into karimnagar district. This attitude of Ponnam Prabhakar gave much movement for the separate state agitation. For the sake of Telangana he never cared his political career. After ten years of formation of separate state, now he has got recognition for his sacrifices made. He got a chance to become Minister to serve Telangana State. It is nothing but a respect given to the voice of poor people.

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