Rs.1lakh below loan waiver is a fact

·Is there any truth in the allegations of opposition parties?

·Now happened that has not taken place in the previous ten years

·In the previous out of four installments, fifty percent went for interest payment.

·Revanth Government at a time paid Rs.1lakh is appreciable

·One step put forward in the process of loan waiver

·In reality Rs.1lakh below loan taken farmers are in majority number

·Majority of farmers got out of the clutches of loan

·Now, the Government gained confidence among farmers on Rs.2lakh loan waiver by 15th, August.

·With one shot the Congress graph considerably increased

·The Government was able to shut down the voices of opposition saying impossible

·The remaining loan waiver is not very difficult

·There is no problem for farmers to get new loans

·Loan waiver in a single attempt is a great step

·This farmer’s welfare scheme previously not occurred in other states

·People are expressing their gratitude to the Chief Minister

·Revanth also receives appreciation from party elders


As per the assurance given during the election campaign, by waiving off the Rs.1lakh below loans Chief Minister Revanth Reddy proved his determination. Now the efforts are going on to waiver the remaining Rs.2lakh below loans by the time of 15th, August. This Goverment allocated Rs.72000crore for Agriculture which is highest when compare to the allocations made by previous governments. Keeping the promise given during election campaign before one year after coming to power is really a great achievement for the Government. That to single time settlement is really created a history. Immediately after coming to power implementing this huge promise is not possible not only for this government but also for any other party if came to power. To implement this important promise it took seven months for the government. It is said that farming is nothing but playing a gambling. The hide and seek monsoons always plays with the lives of the farmers. Even if one day non-cooperation of nature may causes heavy losses for the farmers. Since sowing the seeds till harvesting a farmer have to totally depend on nature. He has to depend on the farming profession which is totally depends on his hard work where the result is not his hand. That means in any other profession result is proportional to the hard work and strategy followed. In agriculture even hard work is done, farmer has to depend on nature to get proper result for his work done. This is the main reason which is transforming the agriculture into gambling. In such a situation where there is no control on production, a farmer has to struggle to produce his agriculture products. At every stage he has to invest money required at that stage. He can’t compromise on his investment even the result is uncertain. After investing required amount, he has to wait with tension filled eyes for his crop yield. Every time he has to struggle to get at-least what he had invested. When nature is not favourable, the return of investment becomes most important because farmer has to repay his loans taken. Every year he waits for months together with the hope of getting profit. At the same time he remains in lot of tension to repay his loans taken. If crop failure occurs due to non support of nature, to repay his loans he will has only one option, sell out his land. Once he lost his land never able to get it back. This is the problem faced by almost every farmer. In this juncture government came forward to waiver of farmer loans.

Totally dependent on nature

Traditionally farmers have one belief that, when totally relayed on land and nature with full belief they never deceive them. This belief only forces the farmer to go for loans for his investment. With total belief on his land, farmer never cares anybody and moves on his own way without caring the hurdles he face. With his persistent efforts and without losing hope a farmer every year moves his steps forward in cultivating his land. He totally relies on his farm produce to repay his loans. Exactly at this juncture fortune plays hide and seek making his future uncertain. This is the tragic story of a farmer. Now Telanagana Government came forward to relieve the farmer from his burden of loans with its loan waiver scheme. By implementing this scheme, CM Revanth gave the farmer an opportunity to sleep without any tension of repayment of this loan. At the time of election campaign Congress party gave assurance to farmers to waiver of Rs.2lakh below loans. Now Revanth Reddy kept his promise and relieved the farmers from their loans.

Some faults may be there

In this process of repayment there is every possibility of some faults may occur. There are allegations that in some places no waiver of loans took place. All these problems will set right within few days. On the day of waiver of loans CM Revanth Reddy fell in some excitement. Speaking on this occasion ‘this day remains in my life like remarkable achievement. With the repayment of these loans government is now able to create confidence among the people on implementing the six assurances given. Really speaking Revanth Reddy gave assurance to waive of Rs.2lakh below loans at a time. Now without analysing how it became possible for Revanth Reddy for waiving the loans at one time, the opposition parties began to make allegations on the government which is nothing but plucking the feathers on chicken’s egg. Especially BRS party has losing its influence among the people by making such baseless allegations. It seems these opposition parties now unable to understand the loan waiver. Congress party gave its assurance to waive of Rs.2lakh below loans is the fact but all the farmers won’t have the same amount of loan. Some may have Rs.10000 or Rs.20000. Like that the amount of loan taken by every farmer is different. The amount may vary from Rs.10000 to Rs.2lakh. At first state government waive off the loans up to Rs.1lakh. That means the farmers who has taken loans up to Rs.1lakh were get relief from their loans. Here what says Congress party saying is now up to Rs.1lakh loan waiver occurred at single time, if these loans repaid in two instalments then it will not come under single time settlement. Without understanding this logic BRS is unnecessarily making allegations against the government, Congress is making its counter attack.

Rs.1lakh loans waiver completed

Without understanding the fact if BRS goes on making allegations they will create negative impact on it. The remaining loan waiver finishes by 15th, August. Among six promises given loan waiver is the most important one which assured by Revanth Reddy in his 84 election meetings last year. Immediately after coming to power it was not become possible for the government to implement this scheme because of Parliament elections held within three months after new government came into power. So at that time Revanth Reddy assured that by 15th August waiver of Rs.2lakh below loans will be implemented. Revath determined to implement this promise at any cost, which was not possible by BRS government in its ten years tenure. Total 40lakh above farmers have taken below Rs.1lakh loans. All these families get relieved from their loans. Without understanding this fact BRS wants to create problem for its political gain. Congress now is counter attacking the BRS for its baseless allegations.

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