KTR ‘Padayatra’ soon!


·Harish Rao will coordinate the ‘Padayatra’

·BRS hopes this ‘yatra’ transforms into a victory tour

·Preparations started in June and were completed by the end of July.

·Padayatra will be launched in the auspicious month of ‘Sravana’

·Yatra starts from Basara

·This will end at Bhadradri

·Plans prepared to continue it for three years

·KTR remains with people one year before the next elections

·This tour program continues with the inspiration of the Telangana movement

·KTR will spend one month in each constituency

·Moving forward with understanding the problems of the people

·Protests will be undertaken against the government’s failures

·Agitations will be taken up demanding solutions

·New approach in gathering the people

·Arrangements made for people to join voluntarily

·Achieving victory in the coming local body and next Assembly elections is the only goal


Finally, BRS working President Kalvakuntla Taraka Rama Rao decided to take up ‘Padayatra’ in entire Telangana. This is the reliable information received from the BRS leaders. It is decided that Siddipet MLA Harish Rao to coordinate this overall tour programme. There is a demand among the BRS cadre that the top leadership shall come out into the masses, just by relinquishing its ego and over confidence that antagonism against Congress will make the people to give power again to BRS. On the other side BJP also willing not to leave any opportunity that may leads it to gain power. There is also growing opinion among people to give one chance to BJP to rule the state. Now it is essential to BRS leadership to come out of the reproach that party lost power due to its egotism filled leadership. At the same time it their primary responsibility is to turn the negative opinion among the people against them into favourable. It may good or bad KCR never come outside the opinion fixed among the people. It may be considered that his age and health also won’t permit him to conduct extensive tours in the state. For this reason it is essential to make KTR to enter into the field and always be in outreach the people. For this purpose ‘Padayatra’ is only the way for him to intermingle and interact with people. Really speaking KCR and Harish Rao have got the recognition as mass leaders in the party. Kavita is also mass leader where as KTR is considered to be class leader. While BRS was in power KTR praised as ‘teacher’ in the party. Now after losing power nobody is considering him because he won’t have the recognition as mass leader. A mass leader always either in power or not people used to remember them every time so that always they will have a chance to bring the party into power even though it faced defeat for one or more times. Now it is the time for KTR to transform himself into mass leader because a mass leader is able to create opportunities every time for him where as class leaders able to shine only when an opportunity arises. KCR rise to this level only because of his capability as mass leader. KCR has excellent oration power using Telangana dialect. This ‘class leader’ brand became an obstacle for KTR to grow further in politics. KTR is capable enough to mingle with people with his oration power but still more transformation is required. When he was in power, he used to talk and negotiate with intellectuals and received appreciation from all sections. This type of ability is not useful when going into the masses. There he shall use the language that can be easily understand by the people and he must capable enough to use the words those can reach the hearts of masses. Then only he can get the acceptability from the people. When we observe Harish Rao, his behaviour with officials as well as people is timely in nature and moves freely as per the situation. This ability made Harish Rao to stand as mass leader. In any country mass leaders were able control the politics. The names of NTR or YSR have never forgotten by people because of their charishamtic and mass leaderships. When comes to Telangana KCR remains such leader who created his unique image in the hearts of people as achiever of separate state. Even in America people now want Trump as their president who is a mass leader. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power successive third time only because of his capability as mass leader. Look at Revanth Reddy…now well established as mass leader in Congress. All those seniors in the party now remain in silent because of lack of these qualities. The leader who identifies the pulse of the people only becomes mass leader. The ability of a leader to outreach the people, create a special page in the political history of a country or a region.

There is strong opinion among the cadre that with the ‘padayatra’ of KTR only party will revive in the state. Any leader of the party shall do the things those create confidence among the people. They put every step forward as per the wishes of the party cadre. In previous time ‘padayatras’ considered as successful formulae for the revival of a party. They were mainly concentrated on the issues of the people. When comes to Andhra Pradesh, it is considered as YS Rajasekhar Reddy padayatra is first such one. Where as in Telangana KCR remains the first leader for ‘padayatras’. He first conducted his padayatra demanding Krishna River water to Telangana. Later he went on padayatra demanding to solve the fluoride problem in Nalgonda district. The Rajasekhar Reddy padayatra is considered as for political cause and meant to come into power. Since then Padayatras became very common in Telugu states and those who have done these yatras later came into power also. That means, these ‘padayatras’ became as ladder for getting into power. After YSR, Chandrababu Naidu went on padayatra and became first chief minister of new Andhra Pradesh. Then Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy conducted his padayatra which made him to become Chief Minister. Even in last year Lokesh conducted Padayatra which may considered successful in bringing TDP into power. When come to Telangana, Bandi Sanjay conducted Padayatra in the name of ‘Praja Sangrama Yatra’. Later Revanth Reddy went on Padayatra which became successful to facilitated Congress to come into power. Even present Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka also conducted Padayatra.

When we come to National Level Rahul Gandhi conducted padayatra in entire India. With this effect Congress strength has grown in Lok Sabha and now Rahul Gandhi is able to exhibit his statesmanship. Sharmila daughter of YSR conducted padayatra in Telangana. Instead of Telangana if she conducted her padayatra in Andhra Pradesh, she might have receive some positive result. Now KTR wants to grow as strong leader. For this purpose he is now willing to go for Padayatra. Preparations for this started in the month of June and will be finished by the end of July. Being this is month of Ashada, he want’s start his tour in the auspicious month of ‘Sravana’. After having holy both in River Godavari at Basara he will start his padayatra. Unlike the previous padayatras, KTR wants to conduct it in different way. Generally every time politicians used to count how many kilometres they have travelled on single day. Instead KTR wants spend much more time with people not counting the kilometres. In general political leaders used to travel 14 kilometres per day in which they used to meet party leaders and have lunch in a specific place. Now KTR wants to continue his Padayatra creating awareness among the people on Telangana. He will explain in detail to people about the position of Telangana ten years back and now how it has been developed. He will also share with the people on water facilities, power supply and village tanks condition comparing with previous governments. He mainly concentrates on how BRS government transformed the state in rice bowl and green belt along with other developments made during its tenure. Plans are being prepared to conduct this padayatra at least for two or three years. This tour not only covers every constituency in the state but also KTR spends one month period in each. In general every constituency contains four or five mandals. Every mandal consist of 30 villages. So in every constituency KTR padayatra covers in 150 villages. Like that KTR wants to build confidence among the cadre and will also get an idea about the problems faced by the villages. At the same time KTR also fight against the problems faced by those villages. That means he will conduct Dharnas and Rastarokos depending on the necessity. In this situation party has to concentrate on collecting more masses. At the same time the campaign for local body elections will also covered. After covering all constituencies, this padayatra will ends in Bhadradri.

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