How far reliable to tax the poor?

·This act only supports the exploiters

·Laying tax will become a hobble for poor

·Wealth will be concentrated on a few rich people

·Government attitude is in favor of wicked businessmen

·There shows no mercy on the poor while collecting the taxes

·If the farmer becomes default his household items are confiscated

·Officials resort to appease the default business people

·Government gets ready to offer some subsidies to them

·If they pay the party fund, nobody will ask for repayment

·Nobody is interested in collecting the dues from defaulters in mining

·Every ruler follows the same principle that against the poor


Taxing the poor and middle class is only the way remains to mitigate the difficulties of poor people? No leader is ready to explain the motto behind this logic. No party will heed the advices of economists. At present the State Government is looking at the possibilities for waiver of farmer loans. The idea of relieving the farmers from loans can be said as reliable one. Before putting steps forward the government didn’t calculated the pros and corns behind this move. No studies had been carried out on the burden to be faced by the Government. If the rulers conduct review meetings and ask advice from the officials only reply they can get is, raising the taxes on middle class and poor people. The government primary responsibility is to accumulate sufficient funds to implement the assured welfare schemes. For this purpose imposing taxes is nothing but transferring the burden of assurance given by the party again on poor which is not at all suggestible. Now the state government is thinking in this way, to implement the waiver of farmer loans. Wealth creation is required for any state or country for its growth and development. Now new government in the state decided to raise the land registration rates with the motto of raising the income. At the same time it is forgetting the fact that the poor people in villages are not being in a position to purchase even 100 yards of land for their house construction purpose. In these circumstances how far it is reliable for the government to move steps forward in this direction. The value of fixed properties shall be raised. Then only the wealth creation is possible but at the same time the rulers shall kept in mind the situation of poor people. The amount received by selling some acres of land in villages is not sufficient enough to get some yards of land suitable for construction of a house in cities. The one acre land cost crossed Rs. hundred crores in the city is not a good sign of development. This is nothing but exploitation, which leads to regression. The rising of prises remain as index to be shown to others as a sign of development. This leads to inflation and cause for concentration of wealth in the hands of some people. This also causes to raise the inequalities in the society which is not a good sign for progress of the society. So rulers must always concentrate on long term plans to benefit the people. The decisions taken with short sight will cause difficulties for the society. The rising of registration fee is nothing but a decision that has adverse affect on the society. The poor people only have to face the consequences of this decision. There are so many business people who took loans from the banks and finally escaping by not paying their dues. Either government or banks are not in a position to take action against such culprits but always ready to put unnecessary burden on innocent poor people.
Those business personalities, who fled away to other countries, remain defaulters for their repayment of loans to banks has been leading happy and luxurious lives at where they are staying. During Covid-19 Government waived off Rs.16lakh crore loans for such business people. The farmers’ situation is quite different. No bank will give loan without getting the permission from the government. Even if a bank issue loan, the officials subject the farmer to serious mental agony till they repay their loan. Sometimes bank officials don’t hesitate to confiscate the properties of poor farmers, which caused to leave them on roads. Recently in Telangana some banks issued notices to farmers. Farmers informed the bankers about the waiver of loans by the government, but the bankers were not heed their words and continued their action. Today we are looking at Municipal officials confiscating the property of poor people for delay in payment of taxes. All these incidents show the indifferent attitude of government against the business people who remain defaulters in repaying their loans but resort to strict punishments on poor people. There are crores of rupees remain as tax dues from mining companies. Why the government is unable to collect such huge tax dues from these mining company owners? Hectic mining activities are going on in Khammam, Warangal and Karimnagar districts. Even though these mining business people are earning thousands of crores, they are reluctant to pay their tax dues to government because most of them are either in politics or remain as supporters of any political party. Nobody will object them from doing business, but it requires for them to pay the tax dues to the government. Instead they are changing parties timely for their own benefit. Such business people won’t pay their tax dues and rulers also reluctant to look at them. At the same time corruption practices also raised to abnormal level in Government officials, especially in Registration department.
There is nothing to say about the prevailing high corruption in Revenue department. Just by transferring such official’s is nothing but an effort to erase the black spot of corruption. The properties of higher officials in various departments have grown hundred times. What will happen just by cutting the increments of such officials? It remains you in fell in astonishment just by looking at their huge properties acquired with corrupt practices. HMDA official Balakrishna successfully accumulated hundreds of crore worth of properties remain the best example for the prevailing corruption in government departments. Here the fault lies in the rulers. They can’t touch the business personalities, government officials and even they are unable to raise finger against corrupt officials in medical and health department. These officials are playing with lives of poor. In the name of protecting the lives of people number of hospitals exploiting the common people. There is no control of Government over them. In such circumstances cutting the increments and making transfers like punishments are won’t enough. Just collect the taxes from those rich people who are not paying their dues to Government. It is enough and there will be no need arises to impose taxes on poor people. In the name of welfare schemes, government resort to sell out the Government lands is not the solution. How many days can the government sustain with such activities? In the name of welfare if continue to distribute the lands like this will leads to bankrupt of the government. In the name of loan waiver, resorting to raise the taxes on common people is never acceptable to anybody. This will lead to raise the negativity against the government among people. In the name of satisfying the famers it is not good on the part of the government to raise the taxes. Opposition parties are always tries to question the government. Any political party think twice before giving such burden caused assurances to people. Average Telangana citizen now doesn’t like the decision of the government to raise taxes those put heavy burden on them.

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