How can BRS survive?

·No adjustments and no repair works

·Party boss never understands the reality till the party totally sink

·Revival of BRS is not an uphill task

·KCR won’t have the spirit like Jagan

·Jagan said immediately after facing the defeat, ‘We will come again’

·That is the characteristic nature of a true leader

· BRS boss doesn’t show such confidence

·Age factor also does not favor KCR

·KCR didn’t conduct a press meet after the defeat

·Whatever is spoken by either KTR or Harish never becomes the words of KCR

·They are speaking as they like

·After the Assembly election they had shown some aggressiveness

·Parliament elections made them sit flat on the ground with weakness

·During the time of rule BRS leaders never created confidence among the people

·Now with defeat how can they fill confidence among workers?


Now so many people are expressing their fear about the future of BRS. Especially one section of media is expressing its worrisome on the future of BRS. Unfortunately Telangana media is playing the role of opposition parties. Really speaking BRS is being created on the foundation of agitation. It has been built on the foundation of sacrifices and dedicated for benefits of Telangana. On the agenda of Telangana it fought for fourteen years. Now the media is expressing its doubt on the future of the party and writing stories on the existence of BRS. Those who are keen on explicit their opinions shall know one fact that even in coming hundred years of period nobody can disturb the foundation of BRS. The win and defeat are very common in politics. Even during the time of separate state movement party faced up and downs. Then it was only party of agitation but now it totally transformed into political party. It is wrong to predict the downfall of the party. Any flag will flutter when there is wind. If wind movement stopped, flag remain stand still. At present BRS party is in this position. Reasons are many for this condition. The estimations of any top leader may fail in some times. In democracy people whom they want, such party will come to power and the leaders of such party will become rulers. There is no use of negative stories coming on BRS and on its MLAs. The cooked stories are predicting that 22 MLAs of the party will leave it in search of their political future. All these are false stories. Even all of them left, BRS again sprout from its ground level. This party will definitely look its spring season. We have seen number of political parties those fell from their top position again reached to their original position making their flag to flutter in high wind. The grand old party Congress number of times faced up and downs in the form of defeats and splits but again and again rouse to show its original status. Today the Congress party that we are seeing is not in its original form. It had undergone transformations for number of times. Once Indira Gandhi ruled this country in unprecedented manner and became famous that India is Indira. Even such a strong leader also faced defeat in the hands of people which remain the best example for the power of democracy. If people not interested on any leader, simply they pull down him and gives power to others. This is very common practice in a democracy.

In 1984 the journey of BJP started with two seats. Now it reached to a stage to attain power for third time in consecutive. Congress continues to remain in opposition. This trend may not continue even for BJP. During last elections it got absolute majority on its own but now people made it to depend on other parties to remain in power. Nobody can predict how will be the mood of people changes time to time. During united Andrapradesh rule people kept Chandrababu aside and the same people gave him power during separate Andhra state. Again in 2019 he lost the elections but in 2024, everybody thought of his age and expressed doubt on his revival. What happened? He again became the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh. Likewise Lokesh in 2019 elections lost the Mangalagiri seat but the same people made him victorious with one lakh majority. In Telagnana BRS now lost the power but it does not lost its vote bank. It emerged victorious in 39 Assembly seats. With this we can’t expect that BRS will run behind the screen. When people turn against BRS in Assembly elections, KCR not willing to accept the defeat and reluctant to say his thanks to people and returned to his farm house. At the time of Parliament Elections he came out in the name of bus tour. This attitude of KCR doesn’t liked by the people. After facing disastrous defeat again he went back to his farm house. Till now he didn’t conducted any review meetings on the defeat of party. It seems he doesn’t intend to review who the cause for this defeat remain. He never has any consultations with his party leaders. This attitude of KCR causing the party leaders remains in silent. In previous two decades party never experienced such precarious situation. Once, leaders used to wait for KCR at his Pragathi Bhavan. Now no leader present in the premises of his house. During the separate state movement compare to Congress which was in power there prevailed yell at TRS office. KCR house always filled with large number of leaders. In those days farm house totally filled with various leaders but now this same house remain in silent without presence of any leader. Even if you ask anyone to come, the answer will be negative.

Now nobody is willing to hear the word ‘car’. Party leaders who are in their local places or in Hyderabad have not showing any interest to visit KCR. No one is present in Telangana Bhavan. Some leaders remain kept their phones in switch off mode and some even changed their phone numbers in the fear of receive a call from Telangana Bhavan. It is learnt that some BRS leaders left the state. Really KCR might not expect such a precarious situation. All these things are happening because of the attitude of KCR. After coming to power he kept aside the leaders who participated in agitation and gave posts to mischievous leaders and gave them political future. Unfortunately KCR didn’t show any interest on his stanch followers during Telangana movement. In order to strengthen the party KCR encouraged the senior leaders and neglected the leaders who took part in agitation. This is the greatest mistake committed by KCR. When he was in power, he got the name of ‘Chanakya’ but it is not real. He committed so many mistakes during his tenure. He didn’t give any preference to Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy who is strong leader and encourated Puvvada Ajaykumar. Now Ponguleti distanced away from the party. Even if you reconcile yourself by saying BRS never has foot hold in Khammam, now it lost its total future in the district. Now nobody is willing to move along with KCR. Even in Adilabad KCR encouraged Indrakaran Reddy who left the party in search of his political future. In Warangal KCR also lost Rajaiah like strong and obedient leader by keeping him in distance. He gave tickets for two times to Danam Nagender who previously demanded to make Hyderabad as Union Territory. He is also against the formation of Telangana. What happened now? He also left the party and every day he used to scold KCR and KTR like anything. Like that the mistakes committed by KCR now putting him in trouble.

Now KCR is not in a position to respond for any political happenings. At present party reputation reached to the level of ground. Still there is no movement in KCR because he lost interest on politics. He has no habit of requesting the people. He always made the leaders move around him. He has only one talent to scold other as he like. Now BRS lost its reputation in the state. BRS leaders are not showing any devotion or fear of KCR. At this juncture KCR shall come into the masses. Like Jagan he shall take bold decisions. Unfortunately he is not doing any such things. On the day when his party defeat confirmed, Jagan conducted press meet and questioned the people, what is the reason to bring down him from power. When the attacks of TDP leaders are being continued, Jagan giving assurance to his party leaders and continue to stand behind them. He also consoled the party cadre that even YSRCP lost the election, vote bank still left intact. Jagan also assured that he will come to those party workers who are facing atrocities in the hands of TDP leaders. Such type of qualities is required for any leader. Coming to the people only at the time of election is an attitude not acceptable to the people. Till recent KTR received appreciations from all sections of leaders but now he is facing serious allegations. Why this has been happening? Now the time for KTR to retrospect and has the responsibility to give answers to the allegations coming against him. Remaining in silence is not answer. It gives wrong signals to his opponents. Now Congress party constantly attacks on him with allegations regarding to lands and others. Congress now resorts to put cases against him on sheep and buffalo scams. People believed the allegations made by Congress; BJP is the main cause for the defeat of BRS. Party lost Assembly and Parliament elections. Still KCR is not willing to come out and tour around Telangana. People won’t give respect as like in the period of agitation. It required to do politics which are acceptable to people. Then only they keep their belief on party.

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