Growth-oriented awful Budget

·It benefits all sections of people

·‘Bhatti’ Budget concentrated on the necessities of people

·Funds allocation is excellent

·No sufficient clarification on sharing the funds

·BRS raised reasonable objections

·There is reason for doubts raised by BJP

·The Government moved with better intention

·Proper implementation gives fruitful results

·Doubts on how the government raises the funds

·Are funds sufficient enough to implement six assurances?

· Overall Telangana’s Budget is perfect

·Budget is mainly concentrated on all sections of people

·Progressive budget that defined the development

·Allocations are fine

·If implemented Telangana growth becomes faster


The budget 2024-25 introduced by the new Congress government mainly concentrated on growth of the state. This can be described as growth oriented budget that accomplish the aspirations of the people. Like that budget has appears to be directed towards the development of Telangana State. The selection of sectors on priority basis is fine. It is natural that opposition parties never appreciate any budget that introduced by the government. It is not true that the government has not taken into consideration the suggestions made by BRS. At the same time there is a reason for the dissatisfaction expressed by BJP. It should be noted that budget is prepared by the Congress government as per the assurances given by it during election campaign but not as per the wishes of the opposition parties. Raising dissatisfaction on the budget is very common for the opposition because if those parties kept in silence there will be no chance for them in banner items in media. If not raise the mistakes and faults in the budget, they never be considered as opposition. The Budget introduced by Bhatti Vikramarka is very practical in nature and not like that of rising of the ground and fencing in the air. Total State budget is Rs.291159crore. Finance Minister Bhatti gave top priority to agriculture because once the state looked like desert but now all most of all the state transformed into wet lands with sufficient irrigation facilities. These allocations are receiving appreciations from all sections of the people because it mainly concentrated on welfare and wellbeing of farmers and to expand the irrigation area in the state. Especially farmers are very happy with this budget. Revanth government has fulfilled its promise with wavering off Rs.2lakh below farming loans at a time received well especially by small and marginal farmers. Other states also announced wavering of loans of farmers but they did not do it at a time like Telangana Government. They have implemented this waiver of loans on instalment basis. When compare to other states, Ravanth Government has implemented this assurance with bold manner. For this reason in this budget considerable amount shall kept aside for this purpose. This action of the government filled the hearts of Telangana farmers with joy and happy. Really speaking this is the main desire of the farmers which removed them from the burden of farm loan. In the process of implementing huge programmes like waiver of loans, it is common that there prevail some starting problems. This is the main reason that caused the farmers to wait for seven months for this implementation. With the determination of the Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, the desire as well as the assurance of the Congress party fulfilled.

On the day of waiver of loans CM Revanth Reddy fell in some excitement. Speaking on this occasion ‘this day remains in my life like remarkable achievement. With the waiver of loans farmers now get rid of the unbearable burden of loans. These farmers voted Congress to power keeping their belief on the party. Now this government by fulfilling its promise able to create confidence among the people on its sincerity to implement the reaming six assurances given’, he said. Really speaking Revanth Reddy gave assurance to single time waiver of loans of farmers. When it became late, opposition parties began to propagate that the government is in back foot to implement this promise. This is nothing but plucking the feathers on chicken’s egg. Instead of analysing what prevented KCR to implement this waiver of loans in last ten years, now opposition began to blame the present Government. Even seven months delayed Revanth Reddy Government has stick to its promise and implemented as per given assurance. Now out of total allocation of funds for agriculture, Rs.31000crors has to be kept aside for the waiver of loans. At the same time Congress also assured the farmers to provide every year Rs.15000 per acre as investment assistance. Not only that government also going to give Rs.12000per acre for lease farmers. Crop insurance will also be implemented. Huge funds are being allocated to irrigation purpose but how much is not exposed yet. For horticulture Rs.737crores and animal husbandry Rs.1980croe funds allocated. Opposition parties are expressing their dissatisfaction on these allocations. There is no meaning for their discontent. During previous government under the buffalos and sheep distribution scheme there were lot of allegations on misappropriation of funds. Allocating Rs.1980crores for animal husbandry present government has shown its interest on dairy. With these funds buffalo scheme for farmers and sheep scheme for ‘yadavas’ can be implemented. For ‘Griha jyothi’ scheme budget allocation is Rs.2418crore. Gas cylinders distribution also comes under this scheme. Allocation of funds for this will also benefits the poor and lower middle class people. With the raising of gas prices especially people in the rural areas are suffering a lot for paying the amount that became burden for them. Revanth gave assurance to give cylinder at a cost of Rs.500. For this purpose also sufficient funds allocated.

Bhatti Vikramarka also gave top priority for Panchayatiraj department. Previous Government boasted that with the implementation of ‘Gramajyothi’ scheme rural areas were developed, but it never bothered about the sanitation in the villages. Rural administrative system totally collapsed is the fact. There were occasions of suicide incidents of village sarpanches. This time Revenath Reddy Government made sufficient allocations for the development of rural areas. If it is properly implemented rural financial system will get strengthened. For SC welfare Government allocated Rs.33124crore will boost the growth of these sections. BRS is criticising that there is no mention of Dalita Bandhu but it is forgetting the fact that the allocated funds by this government is sufficient enough for the growth of SC section people. For ST welfare Rs.17056crores allocated. These funds will help to raise the living standards of these tribal people. For minority welfare, education, medical, forests and for environment protection, Revanth Government has given proper priority. Especially for education sector this government allocated Rs.21292 crore, Telangana will face revolutionary changes in education. In overall the budget is being prepared keeping in mind, the aspirations of all sections of people along with implementing the assurances given during election campaign.

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