Chandrababu is like light ray for Andhra Pradesh

·As a friend he is like Karna and like Krishana in breach of friendship

·He can play any role

·For the sake of people he can do anything

·He never care anybody

·He has the capacity to move with those who oppose him

·He can make them to follow him

·Every time win he can raise the strength of alliance group

·If differences arise he can pull down the strength gained

·He is as strong as Vali in politics

·He can turn the strength of other parties towards him

·With his strategy he can give life to other parties

·He can share his political strength to others

·He created number of leaders under his leadership

·He brought total changes in education system 

·He facilitated to raise the financial base of Telugu people

·Lakhs of Telugu people became famous business personalities in foreign countries

·They are now able to command IT sector

·Chandrababu remain in the hearts of crores of Telugu people

·With the construction of Amaravathi he is creating new history

·He gained the reputation that will be remembered even by future generation

·He is expert in planning Padmavyuhams

Hyderabad, Netidhatri

The leadership strength of AP Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu is really great. Politically he always like a wave when ever fallen automatically rises to normal level within a short period. This shows his ability to sustain the up and downs and leadership retaining capability. Not only during NTR period but also under his leadership he made the party very strong. Especially when faced defeat he successfully made the foundations of the party much more strong. He always stood in support of party cadre and whenever they have faced problems he helped them to come out such plights. He always treated party cadre as his family members. He never got fear when party was facing trouble. At the same time when party won the elections he never thought about defeat. He treated win and loss both in same manner. He remained an example of political warrior and always stood in support of Telugu people as well as for his cadre. Even when party faced defeat he remained with the people. Festivals, feasts…in all such occasions he shared the joy with the people. Really speaking no other party in the country ever faced such up and downs like Telugudesam. Under the strong leadership of Chandrababu, party sustained all types of hazards and remain in the hearts of the people. In friendship Chandrababu acts like Karna and in case of breaching of friendship he acts like Krishna. These two characters gave him the recognition as statesman. Always he stood in the side of Dharma. This is the main reason for Telugu people extend their support to him.

He took strong decision in 1984

If Chandrababu had not taken a strong step in the year 1984, otherwise today we may be remember TDP as once survived party. So it is reliable to say that without Chandrababu TDP is not there. Really speaking When NTR launched TDP in the year 1982 Chandrababu was in Congress and continued as minister. In 1983 elections TDP won with thumping majority and came to power. Then Chandrababu resigned for Congress and joined Telugudesam. From then onwards he continue to protect the party and with his statesmanship and uphold it at every time whenever it faced up and downs. Six months after becoming Chief Minister NTR went to America for this heart surgery. Then Nadendla Bhaskar Rao revolted and formed the government and continued for one month as Chief Minister. At that time Chadrababu entered into the field and played a key role in protecting the MLAs who were under his control. Chandrababu had shown his ability as strategist in foiling the attempt of Nadendla Bhaskar Rao. After arriving from America, NTR had continued as Chief Minister. This is the best example for the excellent political planning of Chandrababu Naidu. Then NTR expressed his willing to go for re-elections in the state. He didn’t want to continue as Chief Minister that achieved with political play. Chandrababu supported NTR’s idea and in 1984 they went into polls. In these elections TDP again got sufficient majority and ruled the state. In 1989 elections party faced defeat and sat in opposition. At that time Chandrababu with his political ability had made the party very strong which facilitated the party to revive its power in next elections. 

Key role of Chandrababu in 1994

In 1994 elections with the political strategy implemented by Chandrababu made TDP to won the elections. Again NTR became Chief Minister. In the course of time Lakshmi Parvathi who got married NTR as his second wife, began to play politics and behaving like shadow Chief Minister. Gradually she tried to take the party into her grip. At that time as convenor of party, Chandrababu entered and played his own style of politics and he took the total control of the party with Viceroy Hotel episode. From then onwards he became defacto leader of the party and continued as Chief Minister. If Chandrababu kept in silence in 1995, today we get remember that TDP as once survived one. After became as Chief Minister, Chandrababu also played a key role in National Politics. At one stage he became Convenor of NDA and moved his pawns to keep NDA government in power under the leadership of Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Since then without bothering the win and loss he continued to work for the party and always concentrated on protecting the party cadre. This is the main reason even after the bifurcation of the state; people strongly wanted him as Chief Minister for the newly formed Andhra Pradesh.

Record majority in 2024

Chandrababu proved himself as self styled politician who fought for the welfare of the people of Andhra Pradesh. He proved himself as a leader can able to take any step in favour of people. For this purpose he never hesitates to oppose any leader how much he may strong. When Chandrababu was Chief Minister of United Andhra Pradesh, present Prime Minister Narendramodi was Chief Minister of Gujarat. During his tenure, Godra clashes took place which rocked the country. All the parties used to make allegations against Narendra Modi for not able to control them. At that time Chandrababu made an announcement that if Modi comes to Hyderabad, he will be getting arrested. This statement created flutter in Indian politics at that time. Now he stands in favour of BJP Government in the centre as one of the member party of NDA. In 2014 elections TDP won the Assembly elections under the leadership of Chandrababu. During that tenure he strongly opposed Central Government which was under the leadership of Narendra Modi for not fulfilling its promises given. Then he came out of NDA alliance and fought in 2019 elections ultimately lost the election. Again in 2024 he made alliance with BJP and came to power. Now his party remain pillar for NDA government at centre. Immediately after coming to power he began his efforts to revive Amaravathi. Now he determined to finish the works of Amaravathi as early as possible. Those who distanced Chandrababu once now have been waiting for him. During 1983, 1985, 1999, 2014 and 2024 Chandrababu gave support to BJP and caused for mutual benefit. For the sake of people once Chandrababu opposed left parties and sometimes favoured them. Finally we can say that whatever politics played by Chandrababu, they mainly concentrated for the sake people. This is the style of his politics.

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