Asking for cross-voting is nothing but suicidal

· Cross-voting is only tick and propaganda of inefficient people

·No voter can heed whatever a political party say

·All of a sudden people never change their mind

·Is it possible for such cross-voting?

·If it is true what is the use of campaigning for months together?

·What is the need for sped crores of rupees?

·If cross-voting is true, it just requires two days enough

·People are brilliant

· For seven decades they elected whom they want

·They kept a party aside which they feel not proper

·People have their own opinions on voting

·They give power to a party that they feel efficient

·In a democracy victory always sides with people

·Leaders are always servants to the society

·Before enlightened people no leaders could exhibit their greatness

·Any leader who feels that he is guiding the people is nothing but foolishness


Without any alliance how can a party ask the people to vote in favour of its opponent party? Is it possible? After hectic discussions for months together even if some parties form alliance, they have to enlighten the people on their seat sharing every time during their campaign. Even then also some people may not get any idea about such alliances. In such situations, if any party ask the people to vote in favour of a particular party may not convince the people to vote as per the wish of that party. People never turn against or in favour of a particular party at that very movement as per the direction of a party. When we think logically, such thing never happened because doing like that it will turn into suicidal for that particular party. It is nothing but burying its political future. Every party struggles to get every vote to cost in favour of it but never says for cross voting which has suicidal effect on its existence. If any two parties come for an understanding during elections then there will be chance of mutually asking the people to vote in favour of them. Now parliament elections completed. Votes are now safe in EVM machines. At this time for all astonishment there prevails wide spread propaganda about BRS asked the people to cost their vote in favour of BJP. There is also saying that after coming to on conclusion that party lost confidence among the people, the BRS leaders indirectly indicated the people to vote in favour of BJP. It is nothing but bad propaganda. If there are any proofs for such indications, such videos and audios might have already appeared in social media. Without any proofs making such propaganda is not considered as ethical practice. The opposition parties may spread such news in media for their own political benefit. When proofs are not present it can’t be treated as genuine but people think them as nothing but ‘true lies’.
Those who treated themselves as skilful analysts generally bring forth such issues.Some political leaders fell in this trap and began to believe such analysis. Karimnagar BRS candidate Vinodkumar also fell in such trap of propaganda and announced that he is going to lose his Karimnagar seat. He also mentioned about cross voting. All of a sudden such cross voting is not at all possible. He knows well this fact. As per the opinion expressed by him if cross voting occurs, it never happened then and there but it will takes place like water under mat for long time for months together. Is Vinodkumar has no idea about who are his real followers and who are digging pits on backside? Vinodkumar always speaks about what is happening around the world. It is unfortunate that why he didn’t know about what is happening in his parliamentary constituency? If the people feel Bandi Sanjay has done something for the constituency, then automatically they will incline towards him. If they have feeling against him then they will vote in favour of Vinodkumar. This is the straight away logic. Then there is no question of logic of crossing voting. Are people in a position to heed the words of Vinod kumar opponents? Why these surmises arise? How it happened and how this propaganda takes place? Cross voting took place in Telangana in large scale is the prevailing propaganda in the state. Lot of discussions are going on in the state regarding this. What is he meaning of cross voting? For this question there is no answer from anybody. This word has been used in widespread manner during elections. There is no specific definition for this word. What saying here is the votes of one party has been voted in favour of another party. How it is possible? When Parliament and Assembly elections held at a time, then there is a possibility of cross voting. It can be said as reasonable logic. This also won’t have either any specific calculations or proofs.
Every time political parties used to raise logic. This may be different before elections, at the time of elections and at the time of counting of votes. Media also behave like this. Nobody is ready to expose what is real. Here is one simple question. Why people indulge in cross voting. What is the necessity for them for doing so? Whoever person say in his own way but people vote in determined manner. They simply give their vote in favour of whom they to decide to vote. Even parties distribute money, people accept it, but cost their vote as per their will. Political leaders habituated the people for money. Now they reached to a stage to feel, ‘this money distributing also ours’. Political parties are habituating the people to accept money and saying them to cost the vote only in favour their political party. People are determined to whom they have to vote. Then how this cross voting question arises? They never change their mind immediately after the indication given by any party. During these Parliamentary elections, it is said that Cross voting occurred and BRS votes were transferred to BJP. This logic is new and not acceptable. How Vinod Kumar also came to one conclusion on cross voting. If he knows it in before why he did not took proper steps to prevent this? There is no answer for this question. Three months before the elections he had been participated in campaign. He visited every village and made house to house campaign. Crores of rupees spent. Now before results to declare, he is telling the future about his defeat. The words of whom, the people have to relay? Any party will ask the people to vote in favour of it. Then how it is possible for asking to give vote in favour of another party? In local elections it may become possible because the number of voters less and campaigning period is also very less. This word ‘cross voting’ only spread during the time of elections. Later this word never been heard. This never happens in between political parties but if a candidate feels that he will be defeated, then there may be a chance of such agreement between two candidates in fray. This also happen only sufficient days before the elections. So ‘cross voting’ is nothing but trash.

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