No justice to women in police stations episode-1


• Is it business with the tear drops of girls?

• Not caring the instructions of C.M. Reventh Reddy

• Why a male C.I. is present in women police station?

• Women victims express fear about that C.I.

• His support to culprits is the main reason

• Girl parents have been facing humiliation

• During Assembly elections that CI attached to IG office

• Why he has not transferred to other police station?

• What is the reason behind his reposting in the same station?

• Who is behind the CI re-entry into this station

It is general belief that, justice causes to victims of humiliation or atrocities. It is the primary responsibility of police to retain such reputation. Police system shall act against the injustice, anarchy, violence and other destruction activities. Such police himself indulges in such humiliation acts then who will protect the victims in the society. Police system acts as protector for the society. When compare with normal society, the police society looks different. Police means strength, assurance and indication of self confidence. In such police system if some act as parasitic warms and damaging the reputation of the entire system, then not only common man, important personalities also thinks one or two times before going to police station. Common people always remain in fear of police station. Here these words are not totally against the police system. At the same time it is not an advice to common people not to enter the threshold of police station. Really speaking this fear among people is not new. It has been continuing since decades. When police stand in favour of victims and justice then automatically they will gain the reputation and honour among the common people. Unfortunately in most of the cases victims remain victims with not receiving proper justice.
For example in our country there are number of acts are in force for the protection of women. When a women victim enters a police station, instead of receiving justice if she faces humiliation, where they can go and whom they can approach? After completing higher studies, facing tougher competitive examinations after successful selection, undergoes rigorous training finally they will be posted in respective police stations. Such educated police officers with full knowledge about society, indulging activities of injustice never give radiance to their profession.
What has happened?
That is one police station in the state of Telangana. One day one educated young woman came to that station asking for justice. Instead of consoling for the injustice caused to her, the police who were on duty treated her with his humiliating words is nothing but victimising the victim. Really she came from honourable and well educated family. Her father made her to marry with another education person. Unfortunately within days after getting marriage she began to suffer with domestic violence. She faced all type of humiliation and violence for two months. Finally, she lost her patience and told to her mother about the atrocities facing in her husband’s house. Both mother and father fell in deep grief after heard about the problems of their daughter has been facing. Her father filed a complaint in police station but in vain. Instead he faced humiliation in the form of pressure to come to settlements with those culprits. The main police officer, who is responsible for doing proper justice to her, subjected her parents to come to settlement with the father and mother of that husband. Is it reasonable for a police reluctant to register the complaint given by a woman, who came to police station for justice? Concerned police officer behaved in favour of culprits and asked the victim to come to terms with her opponents is not at all acceptable. When police does not respond in positive towards victim, than what purpose these women police stations working? Can we say this as humanitarian nature of police? It is unfortunate that treating the culprits with great respect in the police station. Can the presence of such Circle Inspectors do any justice for women? The CI who had attached to IG office shall be transferred to another police station. How this CI re posted in the same police station? How the higher officials reposted this CI in the same police station that has been facing number of allegations? Especially the women who experienced humiliation in the hands of this CI is raising this question.
Why this men CI’s in women police stations?
When men CIs and Sis are being posted, what is the reason behind in establishing women police stations? Without monitoring of IPS officer how a C.I. can take up the case related to family problem? Nobody knows that how many women returning back without complaining against their problems in such police stations. There were instances of overpower the woman who came to police station to complain against her husband atrocities. Previous government appointed hundred of women police officers along with male officers. Now we can see large number of women S.I.s and C.I.s have been working at traffic signals and Men S.Is and C.Is are doing their duties in women police stations. Every women police station must comprise with only women officers. If total women officers present then there is a possibility of happening of injustice to men. In such cases government may post men S.I.s in those police stations. A woman can’t tell injustice caused her in detail in front of male S.I, but she can tell to woman S.I. Even if S.I. age is equivalent to her father then she can tell some details. Such age officers have some possibilities to speak with some respect with women. If young men S.Is and C.I.s posted in such women police stations how can you expect justice occurs to women?
In these circumstances Chief Minister Revanth Reddy must have a look on such police stations. You are telling about number of reforms brought in police stations. But can we call posting of men S.Is and C.Is in women police stations as reforms? Chief Minister shall review this situation. Don’t treat it as small issue. There are allegations that lakhs of rupees have been spending for getting postings women police station. Congress Government assured that there will not be any willing letters. Then how male C.I.s has been posted in women police stations? Why women officers have been working at traffic places? Concerned ministers must look how the victims are facing serious problems in women police stations. This government is giving free bus travel facility to women. First of all give genuine justice to women victims in police stations. Chief Minister shall take steps for total reform of police stations. Give confidence in women to come to police stations to file a complaint against the injustice caused to them. Girls won’t tell total truth to their parents. Then how can they tell the whole thing to a male police officer? The Chief Minister shall take relevant steps to rectify this problem.

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